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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should describe the picture, explain its intended meaning and then illustrate why we should pay more attention to global warming . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
1. 導語解讀:要求考生根據漫畫內容就「全球變暖」這一話題進行描述,並說明我們要重視全球變暖的原因。
2. 漫畫解讀:圖片上畫了兩隻在聊天的動物。由下面註解文字可知,它們說的是全球變暖的現象。鴨子說聞到對面的豬的味道像燻肉,誇張而又形象地表達出全球變暖的程度。
3. 文章立意:全球變暖帶來了許多危害,諸如海平面上升、自然災害等,因此需要人類對此給予足夠的重視,行動起來,保護地球。
1. 第一段簡要描述漫畫及註解文字,點明寓意。
2. 第二段從四個方面闡述全球變暖帶來的危害。
3. 第三段呼籲人類對全球變暖給予足夠的重視,並倡導人們行動起來,保護地球。
As is depicted in the picture, weather is becoming so hot that the duck even feels that the pig smells like bacon. A little exaggerated though it sounds, it is an indisputable fact that global warming is becoming increasingly severe. 1
Global warming has negative effects on many aspects. 2 Firstly 3 , global warming may cause the icebergs to melt, which may lead to a rise in sea level. As a result, some island nations will be submerged by the sea. Secondly 3 , due to global warming, natural disasters occur frequently, such as floods, hurricanes and so on. Thirdly 3 , the ecological balance will be destroyed and many creatures will disappear for ever with the aggravation of global warming. Fourthly 3 , the cost to compensate for the loss caused by global warming will be huge.
In conclusion, global warming is a serious problem. We should pay more attention to it. Let’s take actions, start from ourselves, advocate the low-carbon way of life, and contribute our efforts to the protection of the planet. 4
正如圖中所描述的,氣候變得如此之熱,以至於圖中的鴨子甚至感到,它對面的豬已經散發出燻肉的味道。 雖然聽起來有些誇張,但是全球變暖日益嚴重是不爭的事實。
1. 首段末句點明這幅漫畫的寓意:全球變暖日益嚴重。
2. 自然過渡,開始討論全球變暖帶來的危害。
3. 圍繞主題,分四個層次展開論述,有力支撐了全球變暖危害嚴重的觀點。
4. 末段呼籲人們對全球變暖給予足夠的重視,並倡導人們行動起來,保護地球。
exaggerated adj. 誇張的
submerge v. 淹沒
natural disaster 自然災害
hurricane n. 颶風
ecological balance 生態平衡
aggravation n. 惡化
compensate for 補償;賠償
advocate v. 提倡
low-carbon adj. 低碳的
1. A little exaggerated though it sounds, it is an indisputable fact that global warming is becoming increasingly severe.
全句是包含though引導的讓步狀語從句的復合句。though引導的讓步狀語從句使用了倒裝語序,改成正常語序應該是Though it sounds a little exaggerated。後半句為該復合句的主句,主句句首的it為形式主語,真正的主語是後面that引導的從句。
2. Let’s take actions, start from ourselves, advocate the low-carbon way of life, and contribute our efforts to the protection of the planet.




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