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武善鋒 陸霞
關鍵詞: 決策樹; 數據挖掘; 體育課程; ASP.NET; 管理系統; 課程分析
中圖分類號: TN911.1?34                           文獻標識碼: A                      文章編號: 1004?373X(2019)03?0131?03
Abstract: With the continuous advancement of the information technology construction in colleges and universities, a large amount of teaching information resources are produced by teaching management of physical education curriculum. In order to improve the quality of physical education, the application scheme of decision tree algorithm in the analysis and management of physical education curriculum is proposed. The C4.5 decision tree algorithm of data mining method is analyzed. The framework and database design of the curriculum analysis and management system are given. The ASP.NET development language is used to realize the system. The SQL Server 2008 is taken as the database. Visual Studio 2010 is taken as the development environment. The test results show that the proposed physical education curriculum analysis and management system has high performance in running time and accuracy, and provides the powerful data support for improving the efficiency and quality of physical education curriculum management.
Keywords: decision tree; data mining; physical education curriculum; ASP.NET; management system; curriculum analysis0  引  言
3.1  C4.5算法在體育課程分析系統的應用
print(′Start training...′)
tree = train(train_features, train_labels, list(range(feature_len)))
time_3 = time.time()
print(′training cost %f seconds′ % (time_3 ? time_2))
print(′Start predicting...′)
test_predict = predict(test_features,tree) time_4 = time.time()
print(′predicting cost %f seconds′ % (time_4 ? time_3))
3.2  系統測試結果
4  結  論
本文提出一種基於決策樹算法的體育課程分析與管理系統。首先對成績分析的需求進行研究,並給出課程分析與管理系統的框架及其資料庫設計。然後採用優化後的C4.5決策樹算法實現具體數據挖掘。採用ASP.NET開發語言,資料庫為SQL Server 2008,開發環境為Visual Studio 2010。該系統利用決策樹算法提取體育課程工作中的數據特徵和關係,並結合成績分析形成可參考的學生個性化信息,為體育課程的教學管理提供了有價值的數據支持和理論參考,該系統可有效提高體育課程教學和管理的質量和效率。
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