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  • 克里公園

  • 景點介紹
    For one of the best views of Seattle head to Kerry Park, a small park...
    • amourmou
    • 從這個點可以看過去整座西雅圖城市不管是白天看還是夜晚看都別有一番風景但是這裡真的只是一個小公園而已還要爬一段坡道

    • 月愛魚
    • 說是公園,但看起來只是一個平台而已。但是在這裡可以看到西雅圖城區全貌,是一個拍照的好地方。我們在西雅圖的幾天一直是綿綿細雨,晴天的那天我們來到這裡,也似乎並不是很幸運,雲層很厚沒有拍到遠處的雪山。但是景色還是相當不錯的。公園周圍是居民區,很多人帶著狗狗還有孩子散步非常愜意。

    • sevenest2008
    • 因為夏天去玩,天色晚的比較暗,所以大概六點半到kerry park都可以看到整個夕陽下山的經過,當然也要看當天天氣狀況,基本上不太會下雨啦。kerry park適合開車過去,附近臨停應該也都沒問題。

    • yujanelin
    • 搭公車前往此景點,在半山腰住宅區的一小角,果真在這邊除了免費以外真的看到整個西雅圖的美景,夜景超美,傍晚就可以看到許多人都到這小小區塊看夜景呢!很值得一去的景點唷!

    • 晚上去了Kerry Park看夜景,說是Park 其實就是一個山上的觀景台,車可以直接開上去,是可以看到整個西雅圖downtown和Space Needle的地方迷人的西雅圖

    • KP58
    • And Columbia Centre - come here for the best view of Seattle. This small park up a steep steep hill and in a clearly upscale Seattle neighbourhood is there day and night providing you with amazing views- and no fee!

    • 637melanien
    • We went there in a spur of the moment , just something to do at nite . Parked our car and took great pictures

    • Traveltubbies
    • A very small park that offers the best view of Seattle famous landmark the Space Needle and city skyline with Mt Rainer as the backdrop occasionally (when the mountain is out). It's free to visit. Free street parking in a nice neighborhood.

    • gilamonster14
    • This is where to take the best pictures of Seattle. It is where all the post cards are taken. It is very close to downtown and can be added to a trip to the Space Needle or Market very easily.

    • 831jaclyna
    • I was lucky enough to live in Seattle for six months. I went to this park every chance I got. Stunning, especially on a sunny day. Do not skip this park!

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