

2024年01月05日 - txt下載
at (long) last 終於
at least 至少
at length 終於,最終;詳細地
as a matter of fact 其實,事實上
by all means 當然可以
by means of 依靠,用
by no means 決不,並沒有
in memory of 紀念
in (the) light of 鑒於,由於
in line 成一直線,成一排;(with)與…一致,與…符合
for the moment 目前,暫時
on occasion(s)有時,間或
in order to 為了(做某事)
in order that 目的在於,為了
out of order 工作不正常的;不按次序
at intervals 不時,每隔一段時間(或距離)
at a loss 困惑,不知所措
at the mercy of 完全受…支配,任憑…的擺布
by mistake 錯誤地
at the moment 目前,此刻
on one’s own 獨自;獨立地
in particular 特別,尤其
in person 親自,本人
in place 在合適的位置
in place of 代替,交換,取代
in the first place 第一,首先
deviate from 偏離
fall back (retreat, turn back) 撤退
dispose of (get rid of ,throw away)處理掉
beyond dispute 無可爭議 in dispute 在爭議中
distinguish…from 把…與…區別開
do away with廢除,殺掉
on earth 究竟, 在世上
at ease自在
go into effect 生效. come into effect; take effect 開始生效
place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 強調…上
at one’s wit’s end 智窮計盡
come to and end (finish) 結束
enter for 報名參加
be entitled to有權…,有資格…
be equipped with 裝備有,裝有
in essence 本質上