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  Some industry insiders claim, "China which used to be a state on two wheels will some day be a state on four wheels." With the level of life raised, more families will prefer to buy cars. Cars provide speed, comfort and convenience in getting around. As the product of modern civilization, cars are likely to play a vital part in daily activities of Chinese.Obviously, cars, like anything else, have more than one face to families in China. Let's have a closer look at the present situation. We may find that though some people can afford them, crowded streets, limited parking lots and costly maintenance are headaches to private car drivers.
  Although private car drivers have some troubles, driving a car indicates the trend of modern living. With low tax, sufficient highway development and parking lots, cars are bound to be household vehicles with high performance. Then private cars will enjoy more popularity.


  Fire Prevention on Campus
  People are alarmed by the succession of campus fires in recent years. In each of these accidents, heavy casualties were reported houses were burned down, students lost their lives, and properties were damaged. Faced with such a chilling fact, people keep asking, “What on earth results in these repeated tragedies?”
  A brief survey of them reveals that human factors still prove to be the leading causes. For example, three of these fires were caused by the students' use of electric water-heaters. As students often leave the heaters unattended, the risks are rather high should the water in the bottle boil dry while no one is around to turn off the power. In other cases, fires were also caused by stoves, candles, cigarette butts, etc.
  Since most of these disasters could have been prevented if proper precautions had been taken, students should be better educated on the importance and measures of fire control. The following three reminders are of particular importance for us students: First, learn how to use a fire extinguisher. Second, double-check candles, heaters, stoves and other electric appliances, and make sure there are no open flames before leaving rooms. Lastly, do not smoke in the dorm.


  為了滿足人們日益增長的健身需求,我國政府於 20xx 年將每年的 8 月 8 日定為"全民健身日" .今年的"全 民健身日"即將來臨,為了讓這項活動更加深入人心,某英文報紙舉辦了一場徵文比賽.現在請你以"Let's Do Sports"為題寫一篇短文,向該報投稿.
  1. Do you think it is important for everyone to do sports?
  2. What sports do you like? Why do you like it/them?
  3. Do you often do sports with your friends and parents?
  4. How often and how long do you do sports?
  5. How do you feel after doing sports?
  1. 短文詞數 80 左右;
  2. 必須包括上述提示內容,語句通順,意思連貫,書寫規範,可適當發揮;
  3. 短文中不得出現考生的姓名,校名及其他相關信息,否則不予評分.
  Let's Do Sports I think it's very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they're not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool. After swimming,I usually feel happy and relaxed. What's more,Ican put more energy into my study. So let's do sports,and we will become stronger and stronger.




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