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副詞:用來說明事情發生的時間、地點、原因、方式等含義或說明其它形容詞或副詞程 度的詞叫做副詞。1、副詞的分類:(見下表)時 間 副 詞頻度副詞地點/方位副詞程度副詞方式副詞疑問/連接副詞其他副詞today, tomorrow,yesterday, now,then, early, late,once, soon, just,tonight, long,already, yet,before,ago, later, eversinceafter, wheneverfirst, someday,sometime, last,once,twice,always,usually,often,sometimes,never,(seldom),ever,here, there,home, below,anywhere,above, outside,in, inside, out,back, up,down,away, off, far,near, nearby,wherevereverywhere,very, too,enough,rather,quite,how, so,much, just,nearly, onlyalmost,hardly,as long as等,even, all,a little, a bitwell,hard,alone,fast,together,suddenly,-ly結尾的副詞how,where,when,why,whetherhowever, etc.too, also,nor, so,as, on,off,either,yes, no,not, neithermaybe,perhaps,certainly,關係副詞where,why, howwhen,2、副詞在句子中的位置以及作用: ⑴作狀語: ①時間副詞:一般放在句首或句尾,注意,early、late、before、later、yet等一般放在句 尾,already、just一般放在動詞的前面。如:We will visit the Great Wall tomorrow.(我們明天要 去參觀長城)/ They have already been to the UK twice.(他們去過英王國兩次)/ Soon the lostboy found his way back home.(不久迷路的孩子找到了回家的路) ②頻度副詞:一般放在 be 動詞之後或者助動詞與主要動詞之間,但sometimes、often等還 可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首,once可放在句尾,twice、three times等一般放在句 尾。如:Sometimes I get up early.( 我有時起得早 )/ The workers usually have lunch at thefactory.(工人們通常在廠里吃午飯)/ Take this medicine twice a day.(這種藥一天吃兩次) ③方式副詞:一般放在行為動之後,suddenly可以放在句首、句尾或動詞之前。如:Old peoplecan hardly walk as quickly as young people.( 老年人幾乎不可能走得和年輕人一樣快 )/Suddenly he saw a light in the dark cave(山洞).(突然,在黑黢黢的山洞裡,他看見了一絲亮光) ④地 點 副 詞: 一般放在句尾,但here、there還可放在句首。如:There you can seethousands of bikes running in all directions(方向).(在那裡,你可以看到成千上萬的自行車朝各 個方向流動)/ The frightened wolf ran away.(受到驚嚇的狼逃開了)/ He walked out quietly andturned back soon.(他悄悄地走了出去,很快又返回) ⑤程度副詞:修飾動詞時,放在動詞之前;修飾形容詞或副詞時,放在形容詞或副詞之前。但 注意,enough總是放在被修飾的形容詞或動詞的後面;only位置比較靈活,總是放在被修飾 的詞的前面。如:I nearly forgot all about it if he did not tell me again.(如果他不再次告訴我, 我幾乎把那事全忘了)/ It was so strange that I could hardly believe my ears.(它那麼奇怪一直 我都不能相信我的耳朵)/ She got to the station early enough to catch the first bus.(她早早地趕 到車站趕上了首班車) ⑥疑問副詞:用於對句子的狀語進行提問,位置總是在句首。如:When and where wereyou born?(你何時何地出生?)/ Why did little Edison sit on some eggs?(小愛迪生為什麼要坐 在雞蛋上?)/ How do you do?(你好!) ⑦連接副詞:用來引導主語從句、賓語從句和表語從句,在從句中作狀語。How I am goingto kill the cat is still a question.( 我打算怎樣殺死那隻貓還是個問題)/ That is why everyone isafraid of the tiger.(那就是人人都害怕老虎的原因)/ He wondered how he could do it the nextday.(他不知道第二天怎樣做那事) ⑧關係副詞:用來引導定語從句,在從句中作狀語。如:This is the place where Mr Zhang oncelived.(這就是張先生曾經住過的地方)/ Please tell me the way how you have learned English sowell.(請告訴我你的英語是怎樣學得這麼好的方法) ⑨其它副詞:too“也”,用在句尾;also放在動詞前;either“也不”,放在句尾;nor“也不”, 放在句首;so“如此,這樣”,放在形容詞、副詞前;on/off“開/關”放在動詞之後;not放 在 be 之後、助動詞之後、不定式或動名詞之前;maybe/perhaps放在句首;certainly放在 句首或動詞之前。如:He went to the Palace Museum and I went there,too.(他去了故宮博物 院,我也去了)/ Maybe your ticket is in your inside pocket.(也許你的票就在你的裡邊衣袋裡)/--Tom doesn’t have a computer. –Nor do I.(湯姆沒有計算機,我也沒有。) (2)作表語:地點副詞一般可以作表語,放在be等連繫動詞之後,說明人物所處的位置。如:I’mvery sorry he isn’t in at the moment.( 很抱歉 , 他此刻不在家 )/ I have been away from myhometown for nearly 20 years.(我離開家鄉有將近 20 年了)/ Jim is over there.(吉姆就在那邊)(3)作定語:時間副詞(如 now、then)以及許多地點副詞都可以作名詞的定語,放在名詞的後 面。如:People now often have their festival dinners at restaurants.(現在的人們經常在餐館裡 吃節日晚宴)/ Women there were living a terrible life in the 1920s.(在二十世紀 20 年代那兒的 女人過著可怕的日子) (4) 作賓語補足語:地點副詞一般可以作賓語補足語。如:Put your dirty socks away, Jim!They are giving out bad smell!(吉姆,把你的髒襪子拿開!它們在散發著臭氣。)/ Father kepthim in and doing his lessons.(父親把他關在家裡做作業) [注意] “動詞+副詞”的賓語如果是代詞,則該副詞應該放在代詞之後。如:He wrote down theword.(他寫下了那個詞。)→He wrote it down.(他把它寫了下來。) 3、有關副詞的重要注釋:⑴as…as…常構成一些詞組:as soon as…(一旦…就…),as well as…(同樣),as+形容詞/副詞 +as possible(儘可能……地)。如:Please ring me up as soon as you get to Beijing.(請你一到北 京就給我寫信。)/ Miss Gao hurried to the school gate as quickly as possible.(高小姐儘快地趕 到了校門口。)[注釋]“as long / much as+ 名詞”可以表示“長達/多達…”的含義。如:The house costsas much as five hundred thousand yuan.( 那幢房子花費高達 50 萬元。)/ They stayed in thecave(山洞)as long as two weeks.(他們呆在山洞裡長達兩周。) ⑵later、after、ago、before的用法:①“一段時間+later/ago”分別表示“(多久)以後/以前”, 主要用於過去時態。②“after/before+某個時刻”分別表示“在某時刻之後/之前”,此時兩個詞 是介詞。③ago與before:ago只能用於過去時,before用於完成時。如:He had an accidenta week ago.(一周前出了一個事故)/ Some years later, the boy became a very famous singer.(數 年後這個男孩成了著名的歌唱家)/ Have you been there before?(你從前到過那兒嗎?)/ Aftera few years he gave up smoking.(過了幾年他戒了煙。) ⑶above、below、over、under的用法:在上下方用above和below,在高低處用over和under. 如:The stars are high above in the sky.(星星高掛在空中)/ A plane flew over quickly.(一架飛 機從頭頂飛過。) 當above、below、over、under是介詞性質時,意義相似。 ⑷too、also、either、nor的用法:too(“也”)用於肯定句和疑問句的末尾,且用逗號隔開;also(“也”)用於肯定句句子謂語動詞之前;either(“也”)用於否定句末尾,也用逗號隔開;nor“(也不”)用於倒裝句句首;如:Are you American,too?(你也是美國人嗎?)/ He is not happyand I am not happy, either.(他不愉快,我也不。)/ He didn’t watch the football game. Nor didI.(他沒有看足球賽,我也沒有。)/ You can also find the market is very good.(你還可以發覺那個 市場很好。) ⑸enough、too、so、very、quite、very much的用法:enough(“足夠,十分”)放在形容詞或 副詞之後;too(“太”)、very(“非常”)、quite(“相當”)、so(“如此地”)等放在形容詞 或副詞之前,very much(“非常”)放在動詞之後。如:It’s too/so/very/quite expensive.(它太貴 /那麼貴/非常貴/相當貴。)/ I don’t like sweets very much.(我不很喜歡糖果)[注意]very與much的區別:very修飾形容詞、副詞的原級和現在分詞形容詞,much修 飾形容詞和副詞的比較級;much還可以修飾疑問句和否定句中的動詞,very不可以。如:He is very stupid.(他很笨)/ The film was very moving and everyone swept.(電影非常動人,大家 都哭了)/ You must work much harder or you will fail to enter the good school.(你得學習更努力, 不然你考不進那所好學校)/ I don’t like him much.(我不太喜歡他) ⑹sometimes、sometime、some times、some time的用法:sometimes(有時)用於一般現在 時、sometime(在將來某時)用於將來時、some times(數次)表示次數、some time(一些時間) 表示一段時間。如:Sometimes they go hiking in the mountains.(他們有時徒步旅行到山裡去)/I will stay here some time.(我會在這兒呆些時候的。)/ I will meet your father sometime.(我什 麼時候要見見你的父親。) ⑺how、what用於感嘆句的用法:對句子中的形容詞或副詞感嘆時用how,對人或事物(可 能含有形容詞作修飾語)進行感嘆用what.如:What a fine day (it is) today!(今天天氣真好!)/ How difficult (the problem is)!((問題)真難呀!) ⑻already、yet的用法:在完成時中,already一般用於肯定句,yet一般用於否定句和疑問句。 如:Have you done it already?(你已經做好了?)/ I have not had my breakfast yet.(我還沒有吃 早飯呢。) ⑼hard與hardly的用法:hard作為副詞意思是:“努力地,猛烈地”,hardly是否定詞,意思 是:“幾乎不”,一般與情態動詞can/could連用。如:They study English very hard.(他們英語 學得很刻苦)/ You can hardly see a person spit in a public place.(在公共場所你幾乎看不到一 個人隨地吐痰) ⑽like...very much、like...better(=prefer)、like...best的用法:三個短語分別表示“非常喜歡”、 “更喜歡”、“最喜歡”。如:I like baseball very much.(我非常喜歡棒球)/ Do you likebutter better than cheese?(/ They like hamburgers best.⑾“quite/what+a+形容詞+ 名詞” 的用法:記住:①quite/such/what...+a+形容詞+ 名詞;②too/so/how+形容詞+a+名詞;③rather+a+形容詞+名詞 =a+ rather+形容詞+名詞。如:I havenever seen such a strange guy(傢伙).(我從未見過這樣奇怪的傢伙)/ It is quite a nice day for awalk.(這真是散步的好日子) ⑿how的幾個短語:how often“多常,每隔多久”,用於一般時態,對表示頻度的詞語進行提問;how soon“多久以後”,用於將來時態;how long“多久”,用於過去時、完成時或其他時態;how many times“多少次”,用於過去時或完成時,對總計次數進行提問;how much“多麼,多少”,對程度進行提問,也可以對數量(不可數)或金錢進行提問。如:How long haveyou been like this?(你這樣已經多久了?)/ How often does he wash his face?(他每隔多久洗一 次臉?) ⒀much、more與most 的用法:這三個詞除了是形容詞作名詞的修飾語之外,還是程度副 詞,much表示“很”,修飾原級形/副,more表示“更”用來構成多音節形/副的比較級,most表 示“最”用來構成多音節形/副的最高級。此外,much 也可以修飾比較級形/副。如:Thispark is much more beautiful than that one.( 這 個 公 園 比 那 個 漂 亮 多 了 )/ It is the mostinstructive film I have ever seen.(這是我看過的最有教育意義的電影) ⒁no more、no longer、not...any more、no...any longer的用法:表示時間,可以用no longer、not...ny more、no...any longer,而且no longer只能放在謂語動詞之前;表示程度,可以用nomore、not...any more.如:He no longer lived there.(他不再住在那裡)/ Tom wanted no morecakes.(他不想再要蛋糕)/ He didn’ t smoke any more/longer.(他不再抽煙) ⒂ 被動語態中,方式副詞一般放在 be 與謂語動詞之間。如:The runner was badly hurt.(賽 跑運動員受了重傷)/ English is widely spoken in the world today.(如今世界上英語說得很廣泛) ⒃too...to...與so...that...的問題:副詞too/so後面跟形容詞或副詞,to後面跟動詞,that後面跟從 句。Too...to...(“太.……以致不……”)是否定的結構,用於簡單句;so...that...(“如此…以致…”) 是肯定結構,用於復合句。如:The child is too young to join the army.(這孩子年齡太小還不能參 軍)/ He is so strong that he can lift the heavy box.(他這麼強壯,搬得動那個重箱子。) ⒄ 既是形容詞也是副詞的單詞有:early, late, long, last, next, first, near, enough, much, all,hard, alone, fast, slow, high, low, straight等等。如:It was a long holiday.(那是個長假)/ Hestayed there very long.(他在那兒呆了好久)/ Think hard then you will find a way.(好好想你就會 找到辦法)/ He is a very hard(難對付的)person.(他是個難玩的傢伙)⒅farther與further的用法區別:表示地點、方向或距離時兩個詞同義,意思為“更遠、較 遠”,但是further還表示“更多、進一步、額外”等意思,此時不能換為farther. 如:Theydecided to go farther/further the next day.(他們決定第二天走得再遠些)/ This problem will befurther discussed.(這個問題還要進一步討論)/ Every one of them had their further studies afterthey left college.(他們每個人大學畢業後繼續進修) ⒆rather與quite的用法區別:同very一樣,兩個詞都表示形容詞或副詞的程度,quite表示 “不到最高程度但是比預料的好”,rather比quite更接近very的含義,含有令人驚訝的意 思。見下圖對“nice”程度的描繪:nicenot nice (fairly) nice quite nice rather nice very如:It’s quite a nice film.(這是部好片子)。(可能意味著不是一部最好的電影) /It’s rathera nice film.(這是部很不錯的電影。)(意味著比大多數電影都好)[注意]注意 quite 與 rather 後面的次序詞序。 ⒇maybe、possibly、perhaps的區別:maybe“可能、也許”,比另外兩個詞更不正式、更隨 便、可能性不大;possibly“可能地、或者、也許”,可能性較大,在否定句和疑問句中表示“無 論如何”;perhaps“可能”,較為常用而且正式,可能性也不大。如:You could put it overthere,maybe.(也許你可以把它放在那邊)/ I couldn’t possibly have finished such a long book insuch a short time.(我不可能在這麼短的時間內完成這麼長的一本書)/ I thought perhaps it wasthe letter you have been expecting.(我以為那也許就是你期盼的信件) (21)most、mostly的區別:most作為形容詞和名詞時意思是“大多數的、大部分的”,作為副 詞時意思為“最,十分、很”;mostly僅為副詞,意思為“主要地、多半地、大部分地”。 如:I was at home most of the time when I was free.( 我有空時大部分時間都在家)Mostchildren are naughty.(大部分的孩子都淘氣)/ This is the most exciting part of the film.(這是電 影中最令人興奮的部分)/She is mostly out on Sundays.(星期天她一般不在家) (22)(be) worth、(be) worthy of的區別:worth一般被看作是介詞,後面接名詞或者動名詞,用主動 表示被動含義,還可以用副詞well修飾;worthy of表示“值得的、配得上的”,後面跟動名詞的 被動形式。如:What is worth doing at all is worth doing well(凡是值得做的,就值得好好去做). /The house is worth¥300,000.( 房子價 值 30 萬 元 )/ This book is well worth reading severaltimes.(這本書值得好好讀幾遍)/ It is a thing worthy of being seen.(這是一個值得看的東西) (23)almost、nearly的區別:兩個詞意思相近,都表示“幾乎、將近”,大多數情況下可以互換, 與否定詞連用時用almost不用nearly.almost no相當於hardly any(幾乎沒有)。如:He haddone almost nothing today.(他今天幾乎沒有幹什麼)/ We are almost/nearly there.(我們幾乎就 到那裡了)/ Almost nobody/Hardly anybody understood his words.(幾乎沒有人懂他的話) (24)a bit與a little的區別:這兩個名詞短語經常當作副詞使用,修飾形容詞或副詞的原級或比較級,可以互換,語氣比rather弱。如:This digital camera is a bit(a little) expensive.(這台數位相機有點貴)/ It is a little(a bit) colder thanyesterday.(今天比昨天冷了點) 另外,a little可以直接加不可數名詞,a bit則採用“a bit + of+名詞(不可數或可數名詞復 數)”的形式。如:I have got a bit of a cold.(我有點感冒)/ Go and get a little water for me,please.(請你去給我搞點水來)[注意]not a bit(=not at all)意為“根本不”,而not a little則意為“非常,不是一點”。3、形容詞、 副詞的原級、比較級和最高級1、分類:形容詞和副詞有原級、比較級和最高級三級。 原級變為比較級和最高級有規則變化和不規則變化兩種。2、規則變化:(1)單音節和部分雙音節形容詞和副詞,在原級的後面加上er,est構成比較級和最高級。a)直接加er,est:b)以重讀閉音節結尾的,要雙寫最後一個輔音字母,後加er,est:c)以輔音字母+y結尾的,先把y改為i再加上er,est:(2)兩個音節或兩個以上的音節的,在原級前加more / most.3、不規則變化:原級 比較級 最高級good好的better更好的best最好的well好;(身體)好的,bad,badly糟糕的,糟糕地worse更糟糕的,更糟糕地; (身體)更不舒服的worst最糟糕的,最糟糕地;ill(身體)不舒服的 (身體)最不舒服的many許多的(可數)more更多的;更most最多的;最much許多的(不可數);非常主語(‘A’) +謂語動詞/+ than +第二個人物(‘B’) +….主語(第一個人物) +謂語動詞+ as +形容詞/副詞原級+ as +第二個人物) +謂語動詞(否定式) + as / so +形容詞/副詞原級+ as +第二個人物+….主語(第一個人物little少的less更少的least最少的far遠的;遠地farther更遠的;更遠地farthest最遠的;最遠地further進一步的(地)furthest最深刻的(地)4、形容詞和副詞的原級、比較級和最高級的用法:(1)講述某人/物自身的情況時,用原級。基本句型是:主語(sb./sth) +謂語動詞+(very/too/so/quite/rather…) +形容詞/副詞原級+….如:He is very old now.(他現在很老了)/ They ran quite fast.(它們跑得相當快)/The weather looks rather bad.(天氣看上去相當糟)/ I am so happy!(我是如此的快樂) ☆表示兩者之間沒有差別時,使用句型:+….如:He is as excited as his younger sister.(他和他妹妹一樣興奮)/ Lily rode herbike as slowly as an old lady.( 莉莉騎車像老太太一樣慢 )/They picked as many apples as thefarmers (did).(他們摘的蘋果和農民一樣多) ☆表示第一個人比不上第二個人時,使用句型: 如:He is not so / as excited as his younger sister.(他沒他妹妹那麼興奮)/ Lily didnot ride her bike so / as slowly as an old lady. (莉莉騎車不像老太太那樣慢) /They didn’t pickso / as many apples as the farmers (did). (他們摘的蘋果不如農民多) (2) 講述兩者有差異,第一個人物超過第二個人物時,用比較級。基本句型: 主語(‘A’)+謂語動詞+(much/a little/even/still)+形容詞/副詞比較級+than+第二個人物(‘B’)+….如:A modern train is much faster than a car.( 現代的火車比轎車快多了)/ Thisbook didn’t cost me more than that one.(這本書花費我的錢不比那本多) 講述兩者有差異,第一個人物不及第二個人物時,用比較級。句型是:+less+(多音節形 副)比較級如:I think English is less difficult than maths.(我認為英語不比數學難)/ Do youthink it less important to learn a foreign language?(你認為學外語不那麼重要嗎?) (3)講述某人/物是一群之中最突出的一個時,用最高級。句型是:主語(sb./sth) +謂語動詞+(the) +形容詞/副詞最高級+in / of ….如:The Changjiang River is the longest in China.(長江是中國最長的河流)/ Hejumped (the) highest of the three (boys).(三個男生中他跳得最高)4、關於比較等級的重要注釋:1、以上六個句型中,如果動詞是及物或不及物動詞,則後面用副詞;如果後面是連繫動詞,則 後面用形容詞。如:This car is the fastest of the four.(形容詞)(這輛汽車是四輛之中最快的)/This car runs (the) fastest of the four.(副詞)(這輛汽車是四輛之中跑得最快的) 2、“比較級+and+比較級”表示“越來越……”。如:The weather is getting warmer andwarmer.(天越來越溫暖了) 3、“the+比較級…,the+比較級…”表示“越…就越…”。如:The more trees we plant,thebetter it will be.(我們栽的樹越多,情況就會越好)/ The harder you try,the greater your progressis.(你越是努力,進步就越大) 4、一般的形容詞或副詞的比較級前面可以加much/a little/even/still,而表示數量的 more 之 前還可以加some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several/ a lot等詞。如:It is much colder todaythan yesterday.( 今天 比昨天 冷多了)/ Would you like some more coffee?( 你還 要些咖 啡 嗎?)/He did not eat any more.(他沒有再吃) 5、more than / less than分別可以理解為“多於/少於”,相當於副詞,more than=over; lessthan=under.如:I lived in New York for more than four months.(我在紐約生活了四個多月) 6、“one of the+最高級+名詞(複數)”整個短語為單數含義,謂語要用單數形式。如:One of theoldest houses has been burnt in a fire.(最古老的一幢房子在一場大火中被燒毀了) 7、“Which / Who+動詞+形/副,□,□or□?”句型中,如果有兩個選項,形/副用比較級,如果有三 個選項,形/副用最高級。如:Who has more books, Lin Tao or Han Mei?(林濤和韓梅誰的書最 多?)/ Which is the heaviest,a pig,a horse or an elephant?(豬、馬、象哪個最重?) 8、上下文中含有both/either/neither/two/twins等表示兩個事物的詞時,用比較級,而且往往還 要加the;含有all/none/no one/ every等表示三個或三個以上事物時,用最高級。如:--Do youlike the smaller one?—Neither.(小一點的那個你喜歡嗎?一個都不喜歡)/ --Which do you likebest? –All of them!(你最喜歡哪個?全部。)




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