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一分鐘自我介紹演講稿 篇1

  My name is , my character move if off rabbits, static like daughter, can be cheerful with others, they can treat me seriously about the task. I have a sense of responsibility and character straightforward, and perhaps not smooth, but definitely in good faith.
  Also a wide range of interests, sports, movies, music, reading books I enjoy. The spare time, in addition to reading and sports, most of my time immersed in the network. Mastery of computer and Internet are very skilled. Learning, understanding and perceptive I am also very confident.
  For work, my view is that if taken seriously, not incompetent work! I just graduated for a new, no work is new, whether it is cleaner or manager, I need to learn from scratch, I do not know too much all areas of knowledge.
  Therefore, whether I am going to get is a kind of work, I must seriously humble to learn from colleagues around, do not know to ask for the shortest period of time are familiar with and master the essentials of this work. In this respect the greatest value to create my own.

一分鐘自我介紹演講稿 篇2

  My name is , I've always been interested in, I believe that love and his party can do a good line.
  From the high school has a number of articles published and work as a magazine editor. Years of professional theoretical study and practical work, so I have some good writing skills, keen powers of observation, excellent verbal ability and attention to the ability to track the social hot spot.
  I also learned the basic techniques of news photography and news clips. Article strong reason I do things in the course of the University serving as student leaders, I enjoy working with people, plan coordinated activities of many students also hone a good character, usually love reading, music.

一分鐘自我介紹演講稿 篇3

  相信許多同學對我比較眼熟吧!確實,我經常在學校活動中露面。瞧, 20xx年11月第一屆校運會上亞運助威操領操里有我的身影;20xx年12月學校班級形象大使展示上,我與大家一起努力,獲得了全校第一名;20xx年5月越秀區大課間活動評比中我擔任紅歌小指揮;不久前的9月9日教師節童謠表演,我也有參加;現在我還和同學一起主持一年(1)班每周的班隊會呢。
  我在課外也有一些收穫:去年5月在《XX日報》舉辦的 「我和媽媽不得不說的故事」演講大賽中獲得「十佳故事講演獎」;有五篇文章發表在《趣味作文》等報刊雜誌上;我愛畫畫,會畫漫畫、素描和速寫,曾在去年12月越秀區「學生奶包裝設計」比賽中獲三等獎;我愛拉小提琴,從六歲時就開始學,如今它已成為我生活的一部分,還是全國有名的小天使交響樂團的一員呢!(下面我就給大家分享一小段《建黨偉業》里的插曲《有一天》。)




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