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  ◆be beneficial
e.g. Mild acute stress can actually be beneficial—it can spur you into action, motivate and energize you. 輕微的急性壓力事實上是有益的——它可以促使你採取行動,激發並鼓勵你。
  ◆be instrumental
e.g. And while strength may be instrumental in winning respect, it has nothing to do with winning affection. 雖說強大的實力也許在贏得尊敬方面有幫助作用,但它和贏得喜愛卻毫無關係。
  ◆be helpful
e.g. Your experiences may well be helpful to other readers, and to me. 你的經歷或許對讀者,還有我都是有幫助的'。
  ◆be conducive
e.g. What we hope is that the development of relations between any countries should be conducive to maintaining world peace and promoting common development. 我們所希望的就是任何國家之間發展關係,都應該有利於維護世界和平、促進共同發展。
  ◆be favorable
e.g. Partnerships will be favorable and contracts can be signed. 建立夥伴關係是有利的,可以簽訂合同。
  ◆be optimal
e.g. It's important to experiment so you can tune the delay that prompts a retransmission to be optimal. 你需要通過一些實驗調節延時的範圍來對重傳的機制進行優化。
e.g. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新機場將促進旅遊業的發展。
  ◆enable sb. to do sth.
e.g. The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early. 新的檢驗使醫生能在早期發現該種疾病。
e.g. The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms. 這個妥協將使他得以繼續他的自由市場改革。
e.g. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless. 太多的錯誤使之變得毫無價值。
e.g. The present contract cannot ensure you a job. 本合同不能保證使你獲得工作。
e.g. We should equip our child with a good education. 我們應使我們的孩子受到良好教育。
e.g. We'll furnish you with all you need. 我們將向你提供你所需要的一切。
e.g. Now you can give me some advice. 現在你可以給我一些忠告。
e.g. We should let the public know the truth. 我們應該讓公眾了解事情的真相
e.g. These pictures make him an old man. 這些照片使他看上去像個老人
e.g. It must be better to be able to offer them love and security. 能給他們愛心和安全感肯定會更好。
e.g. These discussions promise future storm. 這些爭論有可能引起今後的風波。
e.g. Rest brings one health. 休息使人健康。
e.g. She laid herself out to provide us with every facility. 她想方設法為我們提供一切方便。
e.g. One of the chief duties of a teacher is to encourage his students. 教師的主要責任之一是幫助學生們進步。
  ◆liberate sb. from
e.g. It will bind up mental and physical wounds, proclaim liberty to the fear-ridden mind, and liberate you completely from the limitations of poverty, failure, misery, lack, and frustration. 它會為你包紮心理和身體的創傷,對你受恐懼折磨的意識宣告自由,完全將你從窮困、失 敗、悲慘、欠缺和挫折中解放出來。
  ◆free sb. from
e.g. To forgive others is to free you from the disabling chains of unforgiveness. 原諒他人也是使你自己從不原諒的枷鎖中得到解放。
  ◆release sb. from
e.g. I can assure you that this method can really release you from distress. 我可以向你們保證,這種方法真的可以讓你們從苦惱之中解脫出來。




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