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  Science and Human Life
Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables att the year round. thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out. However, science and technology have atso brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. as a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace...
So it's urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.
population [.pɔpju'leiʃən] n. 人口 ,(全體)居民,人數
fraction ['frækʃən] n. 分數,小部分,破片
synthetic [sin'θetik] adj. 綜合的,合成的,人造的
regulate ['regju.leit,'regjuleit] vt. 管理,調整,控制
solve [sɔlv] v. 解決,解答
pollution [pə'lu:ʃən] n. 污染,污染物
unclear adj. 不清楚的;不易了解的
addition [ə'diʃən] n. 增加,附加物,加法
threaten ['θretn] v. 威脅,恐嚇
One glance at a pyramid can leave the viewer in awe of its beauty and splend or. Uponcloser examination, however, one might be surprised to discover that such a grandiosestructure is composed entirely of ordinary stones.
Most people are familiar with the proverb: Rome was not built in a day. An object as grandas a pyramid is likewise not so quickly or easily constructed. Just as the greatness of the cityof Rome is due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as thestones it is comprised of. The image of a pyramid reminds us that great success is in fact anaccumulation of small a chievements.
History proves that many famous artists and scientists are only successful because of theircontinued efforts, even after numerous failures. One might recall Leonardo DaVinci’s drawing ofan egg, Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting, or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb, forexample. The fable that tells us that even water can eventually pierce through stone alsopoints to the importance of patience and diligence. We should take such stories and historiesinto account and remember the importance of fundamentals; remember that one can build apyramid only if one is willing to work with small stones. People would be wise to abandonrash inclinations and instead try in earnest. Perseverance is sure to leadto success.
Drawings can be useful tools; a simple picture may reveal a profound truth. Theillustration above, for example, is far from complicated, and yet carries deep implications;from the top of a mountain one can see clear and far.
Such an image draws attention to the fact that people tend to be distracted by immediatebenefits, or deterred by present difficulties. If one was to stand higher and take a broader view,one could make wise, long?term decisions, as well as have a clearer sense of how to solve anygiven problem.
The importance of keeping things in perspective is of practical significance to universitystudents especially. When students face difficult decisions such as choosing between majors orcareers, or deciding whether to continue with postgraduate education, they should considertheir future life in broad terms. If you allow yourself to become preoccupied by immediateinterests or discouraged by current obstacles, you might not make the wisest decisions.
Nevertheless, it is important to realize that viewing our lives from a far is not equal toaiming for an unattainable goal. Inexperienced youth must be careful to realistically create andpursue their ambitions.
It is best to look beyond temporary needs and problems and keep one’s present andfuture life in perspective.




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