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For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write ashort essay based on the picture below。 You shouldfocus on the difficulty in acquiring useful informationin spite of advanced information technology。 Youare required to write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words。
第一段: 描述漫畫內容。強調網絡信息對我們生活的`影響。
第二段: 闡述網絡信息技術找尋信息的弊端。
第三段: 得出結論。
The picture describes a conversation amongseveral people,one of them complains:“we havelotsof information technology;we just don’t have muchuseful information.” It is safe to figure out that our lives are full of information technology,butweare supposed to have the ability to distinguish the useful ones from theuseless ones.
The human beings are stepping into theinformation society.The information industrydevelops very rapidly,so does theinformation technology.Information technology brought usmany benefits,as well as theunexpected side effects. First,when we search for information onthe Internet,it comes out that the useful information and useless ones appear together.Italways takes us long time to separate them.What makes things worse is thatsome informationon the Internet even misleads the people who cherish the hopeof acquiring the usefulknowledge from the Internet.Thus,information technology becomes an impending importantissue.
Through the above analysis on information technology,I believe that the positive aspectsfar outweigh its negative ones though thetechnology does bring us some unwantedinformation.As college students, weshould enhance the awareness of recognizing the usefulinformation when we are surfingthe net.
It can be clearly seen that the couplearediscussing the information on the Internet,one ofthem said:“I just feelunfortunate to live in a worldwith so much misleading information.”Theconversation of the cartoon picture conveys themessage that people attained informationfrom the Internet,some of which might bemisleading.
Along with the development of societyand technology,an increasing number of problemsare brought to our attention,one ofwhich is that misleading information exists on theInternet.Here is an exampleI got from my friend, which works well in the case.She expected todiscover acure from the Internet when her mother got a certain disease.Unfortunately,that socalled “cure” from the Wechat moments did not work at all and hermother’s healthy conditiongot worse.Such misleading information often wastepeople’s time and may result in evensevere consequences.
In view of the problem,effectivemeasures should be taken.For one thing, it is high timethat we realized theimportance of ability to separate the useful information from themisleadingones.Thus,critical thinking is of great importance.For another,thegovernmentshould issue strict laws and regulations to put the situation undercontrol.




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