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  Should English class be canceled in primary school?
Today, there is a general discussion about the issue of cancel the English class in primary school, because now people in growing number are beginning to realize that we don’t actually use English that much after we graduate from university, except for English teacher or translator. Besides, more and more people are inclined to pay attention to traditional Chinese literature and virtues.
People who agree with cancel the English class argue that there are too many Chinese people do not know about Chinese traditional literature and virtues, all they care about is foreign literature and foreign language. It might lead to a decay of Chinese traditional literature. What’s more, now parents are care too much for money making, they ignore the education of Chinese traditional virtues to children, lots of young students doesn’t know what exactly it is. People think we should cancel English class and open course of the Chinese traditional literature and virtues.
People who against cancel English class hold the opinion that the best age of learning foreign language is in primary school, when people are getting old, age-related declines in memory and the ability to process information quickly. Incidentally, people advocate in line with international standards, since English has been widely used as a second language in many countries, we will have a big chance to use it in some way. Hence, we should learn it when we are young, or we will find it hard after we grow up.
On the whole, I think we should not cancel English class in primary school. As to the Chinese traditional literature issue, we could open a course about that, so that our elementary school students can learn both.


Have you ever worry about some rumors about you? Do you feel sad about whenever you remember the people who hurt you badly? Have you get tired of hearing your parents said your classmates are better than you in study, or the kids in the neighborhood find a good job while you are not. You think you are in a pathetic predicament because you care too much about others eyes, especially from the one you love.
Life is too short to live happy, you are who you are. You don’t have to pay too much attention to the opinion from others about you, whether it is good or bad. If it is praise, you will feel happy and your self-confidence will be increased. But if it is detraction, you might feel horrible, and you may self-deprecation.
Why should we care about that? Why can’t we live just the way we are? Because there are too many social rules that restrain us. We have to study hard in order to be able to get a good job; we have to smile all the time in order to make people feel you are kind to everyone, even the one who is mean to you. You have to earn piles of cash so that give your parents “face”.
In a word, it is all the matter of face, such as school thinks long good-looking face, and the office has a rich have found that, in the face of love is face. I think it is time for us to lay down our face, live the way we are, don’t live in other’s eyes. Just be yourself, you will feel happier than before.




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