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Some people think that athletes and entertainers should become politicians,
while other people think that athletes and entertainers should nor be involved
in politics. Which do you prefer and why?
It is widely acknowledged that celebrities, such as athletes and entertainers
are popular enough to deserve the power to stand for the public to speak.
Therefore, some people argue that athletes and entertainers should be members of
the politicians. Convincing as it may be, as far as I am concerned, I would
strongly oppose this point of view. And my reasons are listed as follows.
First and foremost, athletes and entertainers might be easily to make wrong
decisions in some important political meetings. Sometimes even sophisticated
politicians are capable of making mistakes,let alone those amateur politicians
like athletes and entertainers who are more likely to act and think in a wrong
way. Moreover, the main job of athletes is to attend international competitions
and to gain as much magnificent glory as possible for our country.
In order to achieve this goal, they have to accept highly-commanded training
since a very young age. Hence, plenty of them have not received enough education
ever to get proper knowledge needed for politics. Similarly, the only thing
entertainers are familiar with is how to please people. How dare we trust them
if they merely say what most people are willing to hear and not concerned about
its trustworthiness?
Furthermore, popular athletes and entertainers' political behaviors and words
may mislead young people and the whole politic. Nowadays, young people are
fascinated about popular stars even beyond the degree people can image. They
would do anything for their idols voluntarily and follow them without complaint.
Also, young teenagers have not developed their own system of judging the value.
As a result, no matter right or wrong, young people would believe in what
popular athletes and entertainers said, which might give rise to serious
problems like being misled and going astray. What's worse, popular celebrities
can make use of the celebrity effect to make people do something illegal for
them and influence the politic of the nation.
Admittedly, a small number of athletes or entertainers might have the
capability to getting control of themselves and doing great jobs in politics.
However, they are pretty rare among all those people. As we all know, politics
is not quite easy as other areas. A simple mistake may cause terrible
consequence, since it is related to the whole country's future development.
Consequently, people specialized in other jobs are better not to get involved in
politics and leave the work for real politicians.
To sum up, for all the reasons listed above, it can be concluded that
athletes and entertainers are not supposed to take part in politics.




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