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布局中得從句局部,用現在完成時, 1,It is the first / second time.... that
It is the first time that I have visited the city.
這為我第一次聽他唱歌, , that , I've heard him sing. This is the first time
留意, It was the third time that the boy had been late.
2,This is + 形容詞最高級 +that 布局,that
這為我看過得最好得影戲, ,ever , seen. This is the best film that I've
,1, ---Do you know our town at all?
---No, this is the first time I here.
A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming
背面所加從句應為如今完成時,應選 答案 B. This is the first time B,
2, ---Have you been to our town before?
---No, it's the first time I here.
A. even, come B. even, have come C. ever, come D. ever, have come
答案D. ever 意為曾經或無論何時,反意詞為 never ,此兩詞常用於完成時,
留意,非連續性動詞得否認情勢可以與表現連續時間得狀語連用, 即行動不產生
,錯,I have received his letter for a month.
,對,I haven't received his letter for almost a month.
比擬since 與 for 11.12
用去闡明行動起始時間, for 用去闡明行動連續時間長度,比方, Since
我住在這兒二十多年了, I have lived here for more than twenty years.
我從出生起就住在這兒了, I have lived here since I was born.
作為時間狀語得句子都用如今完成時, 留意,並非有 for
,我如今已不在這裡事變,, I worked here for more than twenty years.
,如今我仍在這裡事變,, I have worked here for many years.
留意,用句型轉換得要領,很輕易清除非連續動詞在有 布局得完成時 for/since 中得誤用,
1,,對, Tom has studied Russian for three years. = Tom began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.
2,,錯, Harry has got married for six years. = Harry began to get married six years ago, and is still getting married now.
顯然,第二句不對, 它應改為 或 Harry has Harry got married six years ago.
been married for six years.
11.13 since 得四種用法
1, since + 已往一個時間點 ,如詳細得年、 月、日期、鐘點、1980, last month,half pastsix,,比方,
起,我不停在這兒, I have been here since 1989. 1989
2, since + 一段時間 + ago ,比方,
我在這兒,已經有五個月了, I have been here since five months ago.
3, since + 從句,比方,
你走後,變革可大了, Great changes have taken place since you left.
我們走後,變革可大 Great changes have taken place since we were here. 了,
從句,比方, 4, It is + 一段時間 + since
It is two years since I became a postgraduate student. 我考上研究生有兩年了,
1, 用於完成時得區別
連續動詞表現履歷、履歷, 剎時動詞表現舉動得效果,不能與表現段得時間狀語連用,比方,
他已完成了那項事變, ,表效果, He has completed the work.
我從當時起就熟悉他了,,表履歷, I've known him since then.
2, 用於 till / until
直到, 連續動詞用於肯定句, 表現 " 做 剎時動詞用於否認句, 表現 " 到 " 才 ",比方,
他到10 點才回去, He didn't come back until ten o'clock.
他不停睡到10 點, He slept until ten o'clock.




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