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Horse is running out, strong military is playing out。
2 、用自己的能力證明自己,勝過用空話吹噓自己。
With their ability to prove that he is better than with empty brag about。
No it can not be called torrent Yong Jin, no mention climbing the mountain。
4 、希望,只有和勤奮作伴,才能如虎添翼。
Hope, companionship only and hard to even more powerful。
5 、一帆風順,並不等於行駛的是一條平坦的航線。
Smooth, does not mean that traveling is a flat route。
6 、奮鬥的雙腳在踏碎自己的溫床時,卻
Tasui own feet in the struggle hotbed when it opened up the creation of a road。
7 、生命有如鐵砧,愈被敲打,愈能發出火花。
Life is like an anvil, the more is beating, more able to emit sparks。
8 、盆景秀木正因為被人溺愛,才破滅了成為棟樑之材的夢。
Bonsai Xiumu because being spoiled, only to become the pillar of shattered dreams。
Warriors drop in blood when climbing the road, but also a coward tears flowing down。
1 0 、讓珊瑚遠離驚濤駭浪的侵蝕嗎?那無異是將它們的美麗葬送。
Let the stormy sea coral away from the erosion it? That is tantamount to ruin their beauty。
1 1、一時的挫折往往可以通過不屈的搏擊,變成學問及見識。
By temporary setbacks can often unyielding fighting, become knowledge and insight。
1 2、智者的夢再美,也不如愚人實幹的腳印。
Wise dream then the United States, not as fools pragmatic footprints。
1 3、拒絕嚴峻的冶煉,礦石並不比被發掘前更有價值。
Refuse grim smelting ore no more valuable than before being discovered。
1 4、教育是人才的娘家,社會是人才的婆家。
Education is the talent of her parents, the community is a talent of her husband's family。
1 5、海浪為劈風斬浪的航船餞行,為隨波逐流的輕舟送葬。
Waves as the ship wind chop chop waves farewell to the crowd of mourners boat。
1 6、如果圓規的兩隻腳都動,永遠也畫不出一個圓。
If the compass of two feet are moving, never not draw a circle。
1 7、腳步怎樣才能不斷前時?把腳印留在身後。
How can we continue to move forward when the pace? The footprints left behind。
1 8、沉湎於希望的人和守株待兔的樵夫沒有什麼兩樣。
Indulge in hope and sit back and wait woodcutter is no different。
1 9、只會在水泥地上走路的人,永遠不會留下深深的腳印。
Only people walking on the concrete floor, never leave deep footprints。
2 0、山路曲折盤旋,但畢竟朝著頂峰延伸。
Tortuous mountain road circling, but after extending toward the peak。
2 1、只要不放棄努力和追求,小草也有點綴春天的價值。
They do not give up our efforts and the pursuit, the grass is also dotted with spring value。
2 2、山路不象坦途那樣匍匐在人們足下。
Not as smooth as the mountain people prostrate in a single step。
2 3、不從泥濘不堪的小道上邁步,就踏不上鋪滿鮮花的大路。
Not from the muddy trail to move, you do not step on the road of flowers。
2 4、螢火蟲的光點雖然微弱,但亮著便是向黑暗挑戰。
Firefly spot though weak, but the darkness is illuminated challenge。
2 5、桂冠上的飄帶,不是用天才纖維捻制而成的,而是用痛苦,磨難的絲縷紡織出來的。
Ribbon crown on, not crafted by talented fiber twist, but with pain, suffering textile silk thread out。
2 6、崇高的理想就象生長在高山上的鮮花。如果要搞下它,勤奮才能是攀登的繩索。
Lofty ideals like flowers growing in the mountains。 If you engage the next it is hard to climb the rope。
2 7、對於勇士來說,貧病、困窘、責難、誹謗、冷嘲熱諷,一切壓迫都是前進的動力。
For the Warriors, the sick, embarrassment, censure, defamation, cynical, power forward are all oppressed。
No matter what happens, all your life quietly and happily accepted, brave, bold, and always smiling。


My world has not broken up, only widowed.
2 、生得再平凡,也是限量版!
Born again ordinary, but also limited edition!
Force acts on each other, except for the power of love.
4 、在一起時不要說永遠,分手後不要說曾經。
Don't say forever when you are together, don't say once after you break up.
5 、話說多了比較難堪,不如沉默來得可愛。
It's more embarrassing to talk too much than to be lovely to be silent.
6 、我們之間,多了敷衍,少了珍惜。
Between us, more perfunct
ory, less treasure.
7 、既然你敢來我的世界,就不能擅自離開。
Since you dare to come to my world, you can't leave without authorization.
8 、我不完美,但至少我會對我好的人好。
I am not perfect, but at least I will be kind to my good people.
I heard you had a bad time. I sat at the door and enjoyed the whole day.
1 0 、得到的時候你在毀,失去的時候你在悔。
When you get it, you destroy it. When you lose it, you regret it.
1 1、堅持了才叫夢想,放棄了就只是妄想。
Persistence is a dream, and giving up is just a delusion.


No matter how beautiful the time is, it will condense into history; no matter how far away we wait, as long as we persist, it will come.
2 、痛心的不是情話,而是寫情話時的心情。
It's not the words of love that are painful, but the feelings of writing them.
Don't expect love to last forever. None of us can live forever. No one knows how far it is.
4 、成年人的生活里,沒有容易二字憂傷是一種本能,而微笑是一種能力。
In adult life, there is no easy word sadness is an instinct, and smiling is a kind of ability.
5 、我希望你把最真實的想法告訴我,因為今天的決定可能是永遠的決定。
I want you to tell me what you think most truthfully, because today's decision may be forever.
6 、所有回不去的良辰美景,都是舉世無雙的好時光。
All the beautiful moments that can't be returned are unparalleled good times in the world.
7 、若愛,請深愛。若棄,請徹底。不要曖昧,傷人傷己。
If you love, please love deeply. If abandoned, please be thorough. Don't be ambiguous, hurt others and hurt yourself.
8 、在乎才會亂想,不在乎連想都不會想。
I don't care if I don't think about it, I don't care if I don't even think about it.
Give your life to each other without scruple. That's what love looks like.




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