
out of play的中文翻譯形式是什麼


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out of play的中文翻譯形式是什麼
很多人都沒有聽說過out of play這一英文,更別說會知道它實際的中文翻譯形式了。下面小編將為你推薦英語out of play恰當的中文翻譯形式,希望能夠幫到你!

out of play的中文解釋

[aut ɔv plei]
out of play 基本解釋
out of play 網絡解釋
1. 暫停:one armed catch 單手接球 | out of play 暫停 | pad 護具

out of play的單語例句

1. Stretching out the hearings could play out in Berlusconi's favor by eroding the statute of limitations.
2. If Djokovic's demeanor and play carry on in this vein, he will be taking a bite out of a gold medal come August.
3. They never managed to play their way out of defence, nobody helped Ronaldinho and they never played coherently.
4. Sean Connery wants to come out of acting retirement to play James Bond's father in the next 007 film.
5. Experts urge related government departments to play a responsible supervision role and recommend public donations as a way out of their financial crises.
6. Bush sought on Tuesday to play down concerns that China was trying to crowd the United States out of energy markets.
7. Woosnam said he gave his team the option of going out on to the course and was delighted when they all agreed to play.
8. But it was Djokovic doing the celebrating at the end, dropping on his back after Tsonga sent a return out of play on match point.
9. If the opponents ball is potted, it remains out of play until the end of that player's break.

out of play的雙語例句

1. He tossed away the power to back down quickly, chair of the bars to play in the Okanagan Malacca cane, the bodyguard is not enough time to pull the trigger and so on machine, walking stick has been knocked out in the ground.
2. Namely before the end of the year, can roll out in succession 2 - 3 new play, future more diversity.
3. Allegedly Sohu can roll out new play in succession, enter game representative business again of purpose.
4. Lu Yu said frankly to the first AIDS play, not only out of curiosity is also very afraid, but through this film, their greater understanding of AIDS, hope to be able to call the alert to prevent AIDS, cherish their own lives.
5. The influence, society and medium of the tradition idea mislead the education of the publicity, school to be out of balance, neglect of parents, the teacher's blemish demonstration the … again and again of realize the child's life to down play, cause one and another education murder case, be a flexible life keeps off us of time, bring not only is a time of shocking: what on earth we did?




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