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He himself was a doctor. (同位語)
=He was a doctor himself.
She is too young to look after herself. (賓語)
I don't blame you, I blame myself(賓語).
He cut himself when he was cooking. (賓語)
That poor boy was myself.(表語)
注意:反身代詞用於 be, feel, seem, look 等後作表語表示身體或精神所處的狀態。如:
I'll be myself again in no time. 我一會兒就會好的。
He doesn't feel himself today.他今天感覺身體不舒服
I'm not quite myself these days. 我近來身體不大舒服。
1)指示代詞分單數(this / that)和複數(these / those)兩種形式,既可作限定詞又可做代詞,例如:
單數           複數
限定詞:This girl is Mary.  Those men are my teachers.
代 詞:This is Mary.    Those are my teachers.
指示代詞主要有四個,即this, that, these 和 those。它們在句中可作主語、賓語、表語、定語等。
This is my book.(主語)
I want that.(賓語)
My book is that.(表語)
I like that dress.(定語)
1. 為避免重複,可用 that 和 those 代替前面提到的名詞。如:
The playground of this school is bigger than that of that school. (That=the playground)
My seat is next to that of the mayor.(that=mayor's seat) 我的座位在市長座位旁邊。
2. 用來回指上文提到的事情時,可用this 或 that,但是若要指下文敘述的事情,通常要用 this。如:
--She is a beautiful girl.
--Who said that?
I want to know this: Is she beautiful? 我想知道這一點:她美嗎?
3. 在打電話時,通常用 this 指自己,用that指對方:
Hello. This is Jim. Is that John? 喂,我是吉姆,你是約翰嗎?
4. 除用作代詞外,this 和that 還可用作副詞,用以修飾形容詞或副詞,意為"這麼"、"那麼",相當於 so。
I've done only that much. 我所做的.就這麼多。
Is he always this busy? 他總這麼忙嗎?
5. 指示代詞this, that 和these在作主語時可指物也可指人,但作其他句子成分時只能指物,不能指人。而those作賓語後接定語從句時可以指人。而且只有that、those後面可以跟定語從句。
如:(對)That is my teacher. 那是我的老師。(that作主語,指人)
(對)He is going to marry this girl. 他要和這個姑娘結婚。(this作限定詞)
(錯)He is going to marry this. (this作賓語時不能指人)
(對)I bought this. 我買這個。(this指物,可作賓語)
He admired those who looked beautiful. 他讚賞那些外表漂亮的人。(those指人)
(錯) He admired that who danced well. (that作賓語時不能指人)
(對)He admired that which looked beautiful. 他讚賞外表漂亮的東西。


I like to be a professional singer,but I don't think I have a good enough voice.
A day may begin well enough,but suddenly everything seems to get out of control.
The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards,as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.
Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another,but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.
The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function,and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer,who must buy,not the thing he desires but the thingthe English Gentleman wants to sell. He attends inadequately to technological development.
The majority of the patients attending the medical outpatients departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine,abox of pills,or a small jar of ointment,…
enough sufficient adequate
enough 系常用詞,常可與 sufficient 互換,它除表示“足以滿足需要的”外,還含有“數量很多使人感到心滿意足的”的意思,如:
We have enough money to spend.
sufficient 用於正式文體中,指“分量或數量足以滿足需要的”,如:
The food is sufficient for a week.


time in 1999, in 20 century, in a flash(瞬時),
in a lucky hour(在幸運時刻), in a minute, in a second,
in a short time, in a while, in a wink(一瞬間)
in advance(預先), in an emergency(在緊急地時候),
in an evil hour(在不幸地時刻), in an instant, in ancient times,
in broad day(在大白天), in course of, (在…期間),
in December, in due course(及時地), in future,
in good season(及時地), in no time(馬上),
in one‘s childhood, in one‘s spare time,
in one‘s teens, in one‘s youth,
in recent years, in season(適時), in seconds(在很短的時間),
in some cases(有時候), in spring, in the afternoon,
in the beginning, in the daytime, in the end,
in the evening, in the future, in the long run(最後),
in the meantime, in the morning, in the nick of time(在緊急關頭),
in the night, in the past, in the thick of (在最激烈的時刻),
in the thick of(在最激烈的時刻), in this period, in those days, in time of war, in time,




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