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目的:探討甲狀腺功能亢進症的手術 治療 效果。 方法 :回顧性 分析 120例甲狀腺功能亢進症患者手術治療的臨床資料。結果:術後隨防3個月至2年,無喉返神經損傷,喉上神經損傷2例,4例甲狀腺功能亢進復發,2例甲狀腺功能低下,無甲狀旁腺損傷及再出血,全組無死亡病例。結論:外科手術是治療甲狀腺功能亢進症的最佳方法,充分的術前準備,熟練的甲狀腺外科經驗及一定的手術技巧,掌握適當的殘留腺體量可減少併發症的發生。
【關鍵詞】甲狀腺功能亢進 甲狀腺切除術 殘留量
  A Study on the Clinical Effects of Experience of the Surgical Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
   Abstract: Objective: To explore the surgical treatment effect of hyperthyroidism. Method: The clinical datas of 120 hyperthyroidism patient operation cure were reviewed. Result: Follow-up for three months to two years after surgical treatment, no signs indicated injuries of superior recurrent laryngeal, The nerve hurts 2 on the larynx, 4 cases had recurrence of hyperthyroidism, 2 cases had hypothyroidism, no case had injured the parathyroid and had massive hemorrhage for second operation. Conclusion: The surgical operation is the best method for hyperthyroidism, full of prepare before the operation, well-trained of experience and certain surgical operation technique of the thyroid gland surgery, control appropriate of remain gland to consider the occurrence that can reduce complications.
  Key words: Hyperthyroidism; Thyroidectomy; Remain quantity
  1 資料與方法
  1.1 一般資料:我院普通外科2000年1月至2007年1月甲亢患者經手術治療者120例,男性45例,女性75例,年齡21~53歲,平均35.6歲,病程6個月至13年,原發性甲亢93例,繼發性甲亢27例,甲狀腺腫大Ⅲ度以上者65例,有氣管壓迫症狀5例,甲狀腺Ⅱ度腫大39例,Ⅰ度腫大16例,合併甲亢性心臟病8例。
  1.2 術前準備:常規術前甲狀腺彩超檢查,T3、T4、TSH測定,他巴唑10mg 3次/d,使用2~3周控制病情後以盧戈氏液加心得安作術前準備為主,盧戈氏液使用,12~14d準備,心得安視心率狀況決定,一般40~60mg/d。
  1.3 手術方式:3例行一側甲狀腺葉全切除加峽部切除術,均為高功能腺瘤,117例行雙側甲狀腺葉次全切除術,從腺體外側分離腺體和組織的粘連,貼近腺體結紮血管,不主動解剖喉上及喉返神經,殘留腺體量4~8g,術中充分暴露腺體,儘量保留甲狀腺周圍血管及腺體後被膜完整性。
  1.4 術後處理:術後密切監測患者生命體徵,控制體溫,靜推地塞米松10mg/d,連用2~3d,繼續服用術前量盧戈氏液2~3d後減量以防術後停藥病情反跳,若病情重或伴有心臟病者,術中術後予肌苷、丹參或參麥注射液等營養心肌藥物,出現呼吸困難者及時行氣管切開,呼吸機輔助呼吸,抽搐者給予鈣劑緩解。
  2 結果
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