
疫情 高考英語押題 綜合語法填空 原創專題一


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題目由廣東省興寧市葉塘中學 劉懷中老師原創
Time to better protect doctors fighting virus
「Do not travel to Wuhan ____1____ you have work there,」(沒有特殊的情況,不要去武漢)Zhong Nanshan, an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases, warned. Wuhan in Hubei province is where the___2____ coronavirus causing the mysterious pneumonia was first detected.
Hours later, Zhongboarded a night train to Wuhan and after____3____ down in his seat, got down to business.As head of a high-level team of experts of the National Health Commission set up on Monday, he____4____to Wuhan to help control the coronavirus outbreak there.
He is one of the hundreds of medical experts____5____have rushed to Wuhan to try and control the spread of the virus, evenas(正當)new cases of infection are surfacing.
Every time there is a disease outbreak, it is the doctors, medical experts and researchers ____6____protect us. If the new coronavirus is described as an enemy, ____7____the doctors and nurses are like soldiers on the front line, who bear the brunt of the enemy fire.
____8____fact, the situation they find themselves in could be____9____than that on a battlefield, as they fight an invisible enemy.
We hope that the coronavirus doesn"t infect the medical staff. But by Tuesday, 15 medical staff had already been infected by the virus. We pray they get well soon and win the war____10____the disease.
1.unless 2.novel 3.settling
4.was traveling 5.who 6.that
7.then 8.In 9.worse 10.against




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