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Give up
『give up』的意思是放棄,停止嘗試。
『I don』t know how to do this crossword, I give up.』
『Give up』同樣可以表示停止做某事。
『She gave up smoking a year ago.』
Give away
『Give away』的意思是給某人免費提供某物。
『The supermarket is giving away bottles of water.』
Give ground
『Give around』的意思是妥協,從爭論之中退出,或者改變你的想法。
『I refused to give ground on the issue.』
Marvel Daily——你絕對不知道的「give」的用法!
What gives?
這是什麼鬼?「什麼給?」是幾個意思啊?對對對,沒錯,你們認識的「give」已經不再是當年那個「give」了,它!變!了!好吧,隆重介紹一下今天的新面孔——What gives?
1Used to ask the reason for something.
用於追問理由或者發生了什麼事情,類似於:What happened?、What is wrong?、 What's the problem?
Example:Not even thirty minutes after leaving the shower,
I start getting itches on my head. What gives?
You've been acting weird all week. What gives?
Frequently used as a friendly greeting.用作一種友好的問候,類似以:What's the news?; what's happening? What is going on?
Example:I haven』t seen you for a few weeks!What gives?我都好幾個禮拜沒見你了,最近還好嗎?
What gives with you and Martha?你和Martha最近這是在演哪一出?
這個短語的用法,在美國不同的地區,會有一些適用範圍的不同,大多會偏向第一種語感的居多。並且還有一種說法就是,這句話帶有「抱怨」/「追究」的感覺,可以把它當做一個禮貌的「what the hell?」,或者「seriously?」,就是用在當有人做了什麼事,讓你覺得很「煩」或者「不可理喻」的時候使用的。所以拿捏不準的時候,最好不要把它用在「打招呼」上面。
That's a given!
Duang! 什、什麼?!「given」為何還能是一個名詞?是滴,確實可以是一個名詞,在作為名詞是時候它被譯為「確切會發生的事」。那這個句子是不是就好像懂了一丟丟了?
A way of telling someone that you're certainly going to do something, or agreeing with a comment they made. It is also used when someone says something that is obviously true.
用於告訴別人你一定會去做某事,或者同意某人的一個觀點或提議。也會被用在當別人說了什麼「理所當然」,「不出意料」的東西的時候,作為附和用到的短語,語感近似「呵呵,誰有不知道呢?」 相似的有:that’s not a surprise; of course
Justice: I』m going to drink beer with my students tonight.
Scarlett: Yeah, that’s a given!
Alexandra: Angel, are you going to join our hot-pot party on Tuesday?
Angel: It's a given!
 英語語法:短語give off, give up的用法
217.give off發出,放出
用法:give off通常表示「發出」,後接的賓語一般位於off之後。
例句:The book says that the fox may give off a bad smell.
結構分析:The book是主語,says是謂語, that引導賓語從句,the fox是主語, may give off 是謂語,a bad smell是賓語。
218.give up放棄
用法:give up通常接名詞或者動名詞,與back down同義。
例句:I』mgoing to give up playing chess.
219.go abroad出國,去國外
用法:go abroad其後不接賓語,可以與介詞連用引出目的。
例句:In the 80s of last century, a large number of young people chose to go abroad for learning.
220.go along with贊同某事,和某人觀點一致
用法:go along with也可以表示「和某人一起去」,其後必須接賓語。
例句:The National School Lunch Act requires that school lunches go along with the Dietary guidelines for Americans developed by the government.
20200106作業動詞短語:go away走開,離開
用法:go away還可以表示「停止,消失」,可與go off互換。
例句:In order to save the pregnant woman, the police let the crowd go away quickly.
口語學習區:#Bingo教你說美語# 之give的口語高頻用法
1.Just gimme a call.給我打個電話就好
2.Give it a shot.試一試
3.I'll give it my best shot.我會竭盡全力的
4.Gimme a shout when you're here.你到了告訴我一聲
5.Gimme a break! 讓我休息會兒吧!/ 你可拉倒吧!
6.Give it up for Bingo, everybody! 大家給Bingo鼓掌!
7.What gave me away?是什麼暴露了我?
8.You're smart. I'll give you that.你很聰明,這個我承認。
Give的搭配用法 2020.04.09 Give it a go!是「走起」嗎?
Give a choice
Give a hand
Give a headache
Give a hug or kiss
Give a lecture or speech or performance
Give a ride
Give an advice
Give an answer
Give an example
Give an idea
Give an opinion
Give birth
Give credit
Give evidence
Give notice
Give permission
Give priority
Give rise to
Give somebody a call
Give somebody a chance
Give somebody a lift
Give something a go
Give the impression
Give thought
Give hope
Give way
Examples of Collocations with Give
Learn common collocations with give with example sentences
Give a choice
I was given no choice; I had to go to the boring lecture.
Give a hand
He always give a hand to anyone in difficulty.
Give a headache
The noise was giving her a headache.
Give a hug or kiss
Come here and give me a hug!
Give a lecture or speech or performance
The president will give a long speech.
Give a ride
I』ve got to get into town. Can you give me a ride?
Give an advice
We are here to give people advice about health issues.
Give an answer
John always gives perfect answers in class.
Give an example
John gave Iceland as an example of a cold country.
Give an idea
He gave an idea for new project so he got a promotion.
Give an opinion
He didn』t give an opinion on the matter.
Give birth
I』m pregnant and I』ll give birth.
Give credit
You have to give credit to her for turning the match around.
Give evidence
I was asked to give evidence at the trial.
Give notice
She’s given notice that she intends to leave.
Give permission
The city authorities gave permission for the rally to take place.
Give priority
They must also give priority to looked after children in care.
Give rise to
They can give rise to cosmetic concerns.
Give somebody a call
I』ll give you a call later in the week.
Give somebody a chance
It gives me a chance to get away from soccer a little.
Give somebody a lift
Please give me a lift onto the saddle.
Give something a go
I doubt if he』ll listen to advice from me, but I』ll give it a go.
Give the impression
His body did not give the impression of age.
Give thought
Have you given any more thought to going back to school?
Give hope
This book can and will give hope to the hopeless.
Give way
You must give way to any pedestrians on the crossing.
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