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( )16.—I went to the Louvre Museum last week.
—Wow! It’s famous museum!
A. a B. an C. the D./
( )17. My last Children’s Day is coming! We are very .
A. exciting B. bored C. excited D.boring
( )18.— Where did you go holiday? —To Los Angeles.
A.in B.at C.on D.of
( )19.Betty Paris two days ago. She had a great time.
A.get to B.arrived in C.arrived at D.reach
( )20.I had too much homework yesterday. It took me two hours it.
A.does B.to do C.did D.doing
( )21.— are you going to Guangzhou? —By plane.
A.How B.Where C.When D.Why
( )22.If I want to visit Hollywood, I should travel to .
A.Italy B.France C.Germany D.the USA
( )23.— The lights in our classroom last night.
— Sorry, Mr Yang. I didn’t remember to turn them off.
A.were on B.closed C.opened D.were open
( )24.— Where was Jenny last night? w W w .x K b 1.c o M
— She went to the theater with her sister, they met friends in KFC.
A.then B.so C.but D.because
( )25.We went to Hong Kong Disneyland, and ? I met Kimi and Cindy .
A.really B.guess what C.what about you D.yes
I’d like to tell you something happened. Yesterday evening, when I went to town 26 my mother, we met a strange old man.
There wad a 27 rain and we had no umbrella. We were trying to 28 a taxi when he camp up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give 29 to us for only a pound. He lost his wallet; he said he needed a taxi to go back home.my mother didn’t believe what he said 30 ,and asked him a lot of questions. But she finally believed the man and gave him a pound. She was happy to 31 a good umbrella for so little money. But the old man didn’t get into a taxi. We walked 32 him and found he went into a pub(酒吧) and bought himself a glass of whisky(威士忌)with the pound. 33 he drank it, he took 34 of the many umbrellas there and went out.
Soon after that, he 35 it again.
( )26.A.in B.near C.with D.by
( )27.A.heavy B.fat C.hardly D.long
( )28.A.get out of B.get into C.get up D.get over
( )29.A.them B.it C.her D.him
( )30.A.at last B.at first C.at the moment D.finally
( )31.A.have B.buy C.see D.make
( )32.A.with B.for C.before D.after
( )33.A.During B.When C.Before D.After
( )34.A.one B.two C.three D.four
( )35.A.lost B.bought C.sold D.found
Last May, Jane and her family traveled around Europe.
5th They arrived in London. They saw Chinatown, Big Ben and visited Harrods(哈羅德百花商店), the famous shop near Hyde Park.
6th They took a plane to Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹). They saw bridges, and some beautiful paintings.
7th They took a train to paris early in the morning. Jane wanted to buy everything she saw, but things were expensive. The day was cloudy and the hotel was uncomfortable.
8th They had a long train journey to Geneva(日內瓦) in Switzerland. They enjoyed looking out of the train windows. In the evening, they walked by the lake ans bought some delicious chocolate.
( )36.What could they see in London?
A.Louver Museum B.Big Ben C.Eiffel Tower D.River Seine
( )37.How did they go to Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹)?
A.By car B.By plane C.By bus D.By train
( )38.How many cities did they visit?
A.Five B.Four C.There D.Two
( )39.What did they do in Geneva(日內瓦)?
A.They drove a car around the city.
B. They had dinner in an outdoor restaurant.
C. They walked by the lake and bought some delicious chocolate.
D.They saw some beautiful paintings.
( )40.How long did they travel?
A.One day B. Two days C.There days D.Four days
My father said that he, my mother and I were going to travel around the world. My mother and I smiled. Dad was a shop manager and worked hard in a shop. He loved us, but we did not have enough money for a long holiday.
There was a shed(小屋)in the garden. Dad started going there every day, but he put paper over the windows and locked(鎖)the door so we didn’t find out his plan. He brought boxes home and put many things in the shed. It was very strange.
Then one day he told us the holiday was ready. We went into the shed. Inside, it was a train! We sat down and the train started. We saw picture through the windows. “Look. We are going through Beijing. ” And a few minutes later, we were passing the Great Wall of China. Dad brought lunch in: Beijing Duck!
We spent the next three days in the train and they were the most exciting days of my life. We saw Paris, London ,Roma(羅馬),Venice(威尼斯)and many other places. We ate French pancakes, British fish, chips and Italian pizza. We heard the music of different countries. Thank you, Dad, for a wonderful holiday!
( )41.Where did the writer’s dad work?
A.in a shop B.in a shed C.in a garden D.in a train
( )42.What’s inside the shed?
A.A train B.A bus C.A boat D.A plane
( )43. What did we eat when we were passing the Great Wall of China?
A.Italian pizza B.British fish and chips
C.French pancakes D.Beijing Duck
( )44.Which is not true?
A.He brought boxes home B. He put many things in the shed
C.He didn’t love us D. He put paper over the windows and locked the door
( )45. What did we get from this holiday?
A.Train B.Time C.Money D.Love
A 19-year-old student has finished one of the fastest journeys from the coast of Antarctica (南極洲)to the South Pole(南極點). In just 18 days, Parker finished the expedition(遠征)。
When he was just 15, he first tried expedition to the North Pole but didn’t get there. A year later, he finished the expedition to the North Pole. On Christmas Eva this year, Parker said, “The whole journey is really an exciting one.”
He started for the 349-mile-trek on December 3 ,2013. On his way to the South Pole, he collected snow samples(樣本)and put a small weather station to measure(測量)and sent climate data(氣候數據).
Parker hoped to spend Christmas Day asleep, he said, “I am 20 pounds lighter and I only ate nuts and dried food last month. I am really looking forward to having my first proper(正 常的)meal. It will be great that I don’t have to walk 19 miles more in a day/”
Parker hoped to spend Christmas Day asleep, he said, “I am 20 pounds lighter and I only ate nuts and dried food last month. I am really looking forward to having my first proper(正常的)meal. It will be great that I dom’t have to walk 19 miles more in a day.”
Parker grew up in California, but moved to London when he was nine and went to Eton College(伊頓學院)from 13 to 18.
After finishing his Bachelors degree(學士學位)at Yale University in the US,he will plan to do scientific research and study.
( )46. How old is Parker now?
A.18 B.19 C.15 D.16
( )47.During the expedition(遠征),what did he eat?
A.The proper meal B.Dried food C.Nuts D.Nuts and fried food
( )48.How many miles did he walk every day during the expedition?
A.19 miles B.349 miles C.394miles D.16miles
( )49.Which will be great after he finished his expedition?
A.going to Eton College B.having his first proper meal
C.it will be great that he doesn’t have to walk 19 miles more in a day
D.20 pounds lighter
( )50.Which is not true?
A.On his way to the South Pole, he collected animal samples(樣本)
B.Parker grew up in California
C.Parker studies at Yale University in the US
D.Parker is really looking forward to having his first proper meal
Top, sell, relax, France, palace
51. We got to paris and enjoyed the delicious food!
52. We went to the of the Eiffel Tower and we could see the most of paris.
53. We were tired, so we at home yesterday.
54. The street markets lots of good fruit and vegetables every day!
55.Tomorrow we will visit a famous and enjoy the works of art.
Joan was home after her holiday journey in 56. (四月). It was a 57.
(絕妙的)holiday! She traveled with her mom from 58. (東方)to west(西方).First, they got to hong kong. After they 59. (逗留)in hong kong for three nights, they went to shanghai and beijing 60. (乘)ship. Beijing is in inland(內陸), so they had to take a train there. They visited the 61. (舉世聞名的) places of great interest—the Great Wall and the summer palace. They also learned their 62. (語言) —”Nihao” and”Zaijian”…… Then they went to Korea, and finally to Japan. 63. (直到…為止) May. They took a plane back to Los Angeles over the 64. (太平洋) .
They are still 65. (興奮的) now.
66. Dianna: I started ans stopped whenever I liked. In this way, I didn’t spend any money on traffic. But i could see more places than going on foot. Another important thing was, it was good for my health.
67. Bob: for days, I didn’t see the land. I felt i was like a leaf floating(漂浮)on the water. I had enough time to alone and think about my life and work. I really enjoyed the gap month(隔離月).
68. Lucy: it was like a big party, hundreds of people were on it. The scenery out of the window was beautiful and never same. Listening to the sound of the railway was great. I could even talk with many new friends.
69. John: it took me everywhere, it was cheap and safe. I didn’t like to go far. I liked to travel around my city. I’d like to count the number of all the bus stations.
70. Jerry: i looked down and saw the white clouds. It seemed i could even touch them. The sky was specially clear and sunshine was very beautiful. The fast way suited me very well.
A. By bus
B. By bike
C. By train
D. By plane
E. By boat
某中學校刊徵稿,本期話題是分享自己的一次旅行。拿起你的筆,趕緊行動吧!(內容包括:你旅行的時間、地點、和誰一起去、怎麼去的,參觀了哪些地方,做了什麼事情,心情如何,等等。)參考詞彙:take photos , send postcards, take a walk/boat……
要求:1. 包含上面所提及的信息。 2. 文筆連貫:不少於60個詞。




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