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屹立(yì) 蜿蜒(wānyán) 恍惚(huǎnghū)
擄掠(lǔ) 驚世駭浪(hài) 講信修睦(mù)
驚悚(sǒng) 文縐縐(zhōu) 窮愁潦倒(liáo)
修狹(xiá) 選賢與(jǔ)能 長途跋涉(báshè)
1. 點E(a,-5)與點F(-2,b)關於y軸對稱,則a=_____,b=_____。
2.(雙語)已知△ABC中,AB=4,AC=3,BC=5,則△ABC的面積是( )
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7
-Did you go out with anyone?
2.-so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.
3.-What do they do on weekends?
-They often help with housework.
4.-Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?
-No, she isn’t.
5.Are you as friendly as your sister?
6.That’s up to you to decide.
7.What do you think of talk shows?
8.However, he was always ready to try his best.
1. We didn’t climb the mountains last weekend______the bad weather.
A. because of B. because C.so
2. -What do you think of the new student, Steve?
-Oh, he’s really strong and much _____than me.
A.outgoing B. more outgoing C.quiet
3. I didn’t remember his mobile phone number,______I couldn’t call him.
A. and B. so C.but
4. -Which of the two T-shirts will take?
-I’ll take _____.One is for my brother and the other is for myself.
A.either B. both C.all
5. There is______to do tonight. So we can have a good rest.
A.nothing B. anything C.something
6. I think computers are very useful. They can help us get much______on the Internet.
A.information B.message C.idea
7. Ted loves sports games, he watches them_____times a week?
A.fourth B.four C.forth
8.-Do you want to go shopping with me, Eric?
A.Yes, I can. B. Sorry, I’m afraid not. I have to do homework.C.No, I’d loke to.
The exam comes in July. When the exams finishes, the summer vacation begins. Boys and girls have two months to rest. The summer vacation in the best part of a year for most children. The weather is often good. They can swim, go to summer camp or visit other places with their parents.
We all know that the beaches are good places to relax. Some children are lucky to live near the sea. They can enjoy the sea discretionarily. But for the children who live far from the sea, they go to the beaches for only one or two weeks with their parents.
Why do children like spending their summer vacation on the beaches? It’s because they like the sand, the sun, the wind and the salt water. There are a lot of new things to see, nice things to eat and exciting things to do.
( )1. School children usually have exams_____.
A. in July B.before July C.after July
( )2. How long is the summer vacation?
A.Two weeks B.Two months C.three months
( )3.The word discretionarily means _____ in Chinese.
A. 有限的 B.任意的 C.拘束的
( )4. Why do children like the summer vacation?
A. Because the weather is good.
B. Because it is long
C. they have lots of activities and the weather is good.
( )5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Children like going to the beaches only because they can see much
B. Parents like the summer vacation best.
C. Children can swim and enjoy the sand, wind and water on the beaches.
1. “小小竹排江中游,巍巍青山兩岸走”這句歌詞中,所選的.參照物分別是( )
A. 江岸竹排 B. 竹排 江岸 C. 江水 青山 D. 江水 江岸
2. 下列數據中最接近生活實際的是( )
A. 一個中學生的身高約1.6dm B. 長沙夏天最高溫度可達到40℃
C. 安靜答題時的考場內聲音強弱約為95dB D. 高速公路上的小轎車的速度約120m/s
3. 小明媽媽去市場買瓷器,她用輕敲瓷器的方法判斷瓷器的優劣,下列與其原理不同的是( )
A. 雷聲預示著一場可能的大雨
B. 工人用鐵錘敲擊鋼軌,若聲音異常,則可發現鬆動的螺栓
C. 醫生通過聽診器可了解病人心、肺的工作狀況
D. 利用超聲波除去人體內的結石
4. 下列有關熱現象的說法中正確的是( )
A. 0攝氏度的冰變成O攝氏度的水時需要放熱
B. 海波在凝固過程中溫度不變
C. 液化天然氣是通過降低溫度方式液化氣體的
D. 從冰箱裡拿出的冰棒冒出的白氣會往上方飄
5. 對下列現象的成因解釋正確的是( )
A. 早春,河中的冰逐漸消融——凝固
B. 盛夏,從冰箱中拿出的飲料瓶“出汗”——汽化
C. 深秋,清晨的霧在太陽出來後散去——液化
D. 嚴冬,玻璃窗內壁結了一層冰花——凝華
6. 一支溫度計的刻度均勻,但示數不準確,將它插入冰水混合物中示數為15℃;把它插入1標準氣壓下的凝滯水中,示數為95℃,如果將該溫度計插入溫度為25℃的某液體中,則此溫度計的示數為( )
A. 12.5℃ B. 32℃ C. 35℃ D. 47℃




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