
詳解雅思寫作Task 2的評分標準(英)


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  下面雅思為大家整理了詳解雅思寫作Task 2的評分標準,供考生們參考,以下是詳細內容。
  The Grading Policy Of IELTS Writing Task2
  Make sure your essay is readable. If your essay is easy to read, you can get better marks. The IELTS exam marks for the second writing test are divided into 3 categories:
  First, answering the question accurately.
  Second, cohesion and coherence.
  Third, language appropriateness . When you see this you understand the importance of spending time thinking about the meaning of the question and organizing your ideas before starting to write. Work on these aspects of writing dramatically improves the quality of an answer without even beginning to look at grammar, spelling and register. Therefore, you must keep your ideas simple as this will help with expressing and organizing what you want to say clearly.
  以上就是雅思為大家整理的詳解雅思寫作Task 2的評分標準,非常實用。更多資訊、資料盡在雅思。最後,雅思預祝大家在雅思考試中取得好成績!




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