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Life is often gorgeous, however, an ordinary little thing can arouse the deep feelings of the heart, and an inexplicable touch also comes to the heart
Grandma is a kind person, but in my eyes, she is just a nagging elder. Until now, I know what I have done to my grandmother is so young and ignorant, so cruel.
It happened just a few months ago, and I still remember it——
Every day after school, I put down my heavy schoolbag, and the first thing I heard was grandma's friendly greetings and concerned inquiries. Every day is the same. At that time, I always thought that I was a self-conscious and fashionable new human being. And grandma's vulgar thought is out of place with me. He doesn't care about my love. Whether I can understand what he said or not, I always end up with a "good" sentence. Our relationship is only sustained by the slightest respect I have for her, a senior citizen. I will never forget that time——
"Ah, it's already 7 o'clock!" I woke up from the bed, "Damn, grandma didn't wake me up, she's late!" at this time, grandma, who just got up and dressed, came up and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I went to bed too late yesterday, so..." I cried out: "stop talking! It's all your fault! What else did you say last time will wake me up early. If I'm late, I can't spare you..." I complained a lot, but Grandma listened to me patiently and said, "OK, go to brush your teeth and wash your face. I'll prepare breakfast. "No!" grandma swallowed my patience, but I couldn't forgive. So I left without breakfast. Sure enough, I was late. Not only was the teacher "training" a meal, punish clean a day of classroom. In addition, the newly issued math test paper also failed. So, I couldn't restrain my anger, and spread all my anger on grandma.
It happened to rain when school was over. On the one hand, I was in a bad mood. On the other hand, I thought grandma would worry about me and blame myself for making my grandson get wet and cold because of her mistakes. At this time, I do not know that I have used my grandmother's love for me, that selfless great love. All of a sudden, grandma was calling my name with an umbrella. I ran fast on purpose and didn't accept grandma's kindness.
後來,我才知道奶奶是因為為我連夜織毛衣才晚起,而且在追我拿傘時不慎跌倒…… 奶奶對我還是始終如一,而我每天看見奶奶時,不敢承認錯誤,視線卻已模糊了。這淚,是愧疚?是感動?已不重要了。反正,我已在試著接受奶奶對我的愛,試著流淚,試著感動。
Later, I learned that grandma got up late because she knitted sweaters for me all night, and fell when she chased me to take an umbrella Grandma is always the same to me, but when I see grandma every day, I dare not admit my mistake, but my vision is blurred. This tear, is guilty? Is it moving? It doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, I've been trying to accept grandma's love for me, trying to cry, trying to be moved.




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