

2023年08月26日 - txt下載
121.-__________ this book be yours?
-No, it _______ not be mine. It _______ be his.
A. Can, must, may B. May, might, must C. Can, may, must D. Must, can, may
123.Mary is living at _______ place in South Africa.
A. certain B. some C. an D. any
124.Jane was quite alone in the world ________ an uncle in English.
A except B except for C. besides D. instead of
125.-Who would you rather ________ the room?
-Jack, of course.
A. have clean B. have cleaned C. get clean D. get cleaned
126.We wrote to _________ invited us.
A. whomever B. whoever C. that D. who
127.Her expression suggested that she _________ happy.
A. be B. was C. should be D. were
128.The boys grandfather died _______ a flood and his grandmother died _______ old age.
A. of, from B. from, at C. from, of D. of, in
129.Please __________ the milk carefully, I dont want it to boil over.
A. see B. watch C. notice D. look at
130.It was ________ who respected their teachers.
A. them B. their C they D. themselves
131.During the years _______, he worked as a doctor in the hospital.
A. followed B. to follow C. following D. that followed
132.He _______ his son to stay home in such bad weather.
A. hoped B. let C. wished D had
133.When we breathe, the oxygen in the air with our blood and gives us life.
A. fills B. goes C. takes in D. mixes
134.The chief was being searched for by the police who ________ running after.
A. is B. were C. are D. was
135.What he says and does ________ not agree.
A. does B. do C. is D. possible
136.Thank you for the trouble you _________ to help us.
A. put B take C. make D. do
137.Xiao Wang is getting on well with his classmates, for h is easy _______.
A. to deal with B to do with C. dealing with D. doing with
138.They will get a new bath _________.
A. put in B. set out C. cleared away D. given away
139.When the first settlers came to North America they had to ________ the forest and found a way out.
A. cut off B. cut down C. cut through D. cut out
140.The stars ________ to have moved.
A. seemed B. looked C. turned D. appeared
121-125. CBBBA
126-130. BBCBC
131-135. DCDBB
136-140. BBACD