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  1. ,the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.
  2. When you get men into that state of anger, ________________.
  3. ______________________________, I dont like him as a man.
  4. His eyes were reading books________________________________.
  5. Only in this way ______________.
  6. _________________ is encouragement from his parents and teachers.
  7. It was advised that _______________.
  8. Why didnt you tell me you could lend me the money? I .
  9. that she does not know how to deal with the situation.
  10.I from three to five this afternoon.
  11. _______________, the comedian always had a quick, sharp reply.
  12. It is not yet known _______________.
  13. His remarks left me ________________.
  14. If you had_____________________ .
  15. The government was accused ______________.
  1.【答案】No matter how frequently performed
  考查no matter how無論如何引導的狀語從句。
  2.【答案】they are apt to make trouble
  ①be apt to表示易於做某事,指人的機體或精神上的固有的或習慣的傾向等;②make trouble表示惹麻煩。
  3.【答案】Much as I admire him as a writer
  ①讓步狀語從句:much as表示儘管,as 引導的讓步狀語從句,其主要結構為:形容詞/副詞/名詞+ as/though + 主語+ 謂語,much表示程度;②admire him as a writer譯為崇拜他是作家。
  4.【答案】while his mind was wandering
  ①while表示卻②mind was wandering表示胡思亂想。
  5.【答案】can we adaptto the society quickly after we graduate
  本題考查對倒裝句、adapt的用法以及after引導的時間狀語從句的掌握。only引起的狀語位於句首時,句子須部分倒裝。本題中要將情態動詞can提前。adapt作適應解時常用於adaptto sth.的結構。
  6.【答案】What he really hopes for
  本題考查主語從句。例如:What matters to us is how to make our campus life meaningful and fruitful.對我們來說,重要的是如何讓我們的校園生活有意義、有收穫。
  7.【答案】more mobile shopsbe set up in the residential area
  8.【答案】neednt have borrowed it from the bank
  本題考查虛擬語氣的用法,neednt have done的結構是本不必這樣做而做了的意思。
  9.【答案】It is because she is too inexperienced
  10.【答案】will be doing/conducting the experiment
  本題考查將來時態的用法,做實驗既可用do experiment也可用conduct experiment。
  11.【答案】However hard some people in the audience tried to upset him
  表示為難,此處用upset,當然我們也可以用made sb.in a difficult position,或embarrass sb.。
  12.【答案】whether/if robots will one day have vision as good as human vision
  13.【答案】wondering about his real purpose
  leave sb.doing 讓繼續處於某種狀態;leave sb.to do sth.讓某人干某事
  14.【答案】followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.
  虛擬語氣在if 引導的條件句中的用法。從句:if + 主語+ 動詞的過去式+ 主句:主語+ would+ 動詞原形+
  15.【答案】of failure to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions/of failing to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions
  本題考查對accuse的用法及短語fulfill ones promise to的掌握。Accuse指責、控告常用於accuse sb.of sth./doing sth.的結構,所以was accused of之後用failure和failing都可以。實現的承諾用fulfill ones promise to表示,to後接動詞原形。




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