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  A) Go to sleep.
  B) Watch the program later.
  C) Change the channel.
  D) Set the alarm clock.
  A) He doesnt spend enough time studying.
  B) He doesnt think the weather is nice.
  C) Hed prefer not to walk to class.
  D) He has little time for outdoor activities.
  A) Down jackets are now on sale.
  B) She cant wait for winter to arrive.
  C) Its hard to know how heavy a jacket to buy.
  D) She needs a warm jacket.
  A) She didnt know Dr. Turners lecture would be so interesting.
  B) She didnt expect to have a quiz today.
  C) Dr. Turner often gives quizzes.
  D) The man should have prepared for the class.
  A) His neighbors dont need his help.
  B) His neighbors arent sociable.
  C) His neighbors intend to go on vacation.
  D) Hes too busy to meet his neighbors.
  36. W:Im really exhausted, but I dont want to miss that documentary that comes on at eleven.
  M:If I were you, Id skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow, ?and anyway Ive heard its not that exciting.
  Q:What does the man imply the woman should do?
  37. W:This spring weather is perfect for paying tennis.
  M:Unfortunately the only time I get to enjoy it is when Im walking to class or to the library.
  Q:What does the woman imply?
  38. M:The forecast is for a severe winter. Are you prepared?
  W:Hardly. Im waiting for the next sale to get a down jacket.
  Q:What does the woman imply?
  39. M:You know that quiz we took in Dr. Turners class today? Did you know that she was going to give it to us?
  W:Actually I was just as surprised as you were.
  Q:What does the woman mean?
  40. W:Im amazed that you still havent gotten to know you neighbors.
  M:They tend to keep to themselves.
  Q:What does the man mean?
  36.A 考點是虛擬語氣。skip:不出席,逃課。
  37.D 否定信號詞unfortunately暗示他不能出外打網球。
  38.D down jacket:羽絨大衣。
  39.B 該組對話的重點在於句型as...as...,意思聽到今天要考試的消息,我跟你一樣吃驚。
  40.B 考點是習語keep to oneself:不與他人交往。




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