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142.Forgive me for breaking my promise.原諒我食言。
143.Lets forgive and forget.讓我們擯棄前嫌。
144.Ive heard so much about you! 久仰大名!
145.Dont underestimate me.別小看我。
146.She gives me a headache.她讓我頭疼。
147.Its very annoying/boring.真煩人。
148.He often fails to keep his word.他常常不遵守諾言。
149.You made me feel ashamed of myself.你讓我感到羞愧。
150. I hope it turns out all right.
151. I cant handle this alone.
152. How long will it take to have this radio fixed?
153. Come to me if youre in any difficulty.
154. Who do you think you are?
155. Youre wasting you breath.
156. It doesnt seem like that.
157. Dont get on my nerves!
158. Everything will be fine.
159. Ill be ready in a few minutes.
160. I wonder what happened to him.(我不知道他出什麼事了。




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