
6類SAT寫作常見問題之二 固定搭配


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  1、 Original: ...there is no deny that a university or college really offers us great enlightment for students future development and growth.
  Revised: ... there is no denying that a university diploma really offers great opportunities for students personal growth.
  there is no deny改為固定搭配there is no denying不可否認。原句中還存在表達不當的問題,應該是大學文憑給學生們的個人發展提供了很多機會。
  2、Original: Modern technologies have improved todays factories technology and brought pollutions to the minimum.
  Revised: However, with the modern technology, air and noise pollution can be kept to a minimum.
  降到最低程度是to a minimum。
  3、Original: If you want to catch the pace of the rhythms of the modern world you had better get ready.
  Revised: If you want to keep pace with the rhythms of the modern world, you had better get up early.
  原句catch up with the pace的搭配是不對的,如果表述和現在世界的快節奏同步可以用keep pace with或catch up with。
  4、 Original: Every year, Lenovo spends a large amount of money to product environment without regret. By doing this, Lenovo makes a profit at the same time.
  Revised: Every year Lenovo spends a large amount of money on environmental protection while at the same time makes a profit.
  原句中動詞spend的詞組搭配不正確,spend可以表示花費錢或時間。常用的搭配有:spend money on sth./sb.表示在某人或某事上花錢spend time with sb.表示花時間和某人在一起spend timedoing sth. 表示花時間做某事等。另外,原句有些囉嗦,改後稿用while結構省略了一個句子,使句子更加簡潔。
  5、Original: The advertisement as the news inform us the current technologies of a country.
  Revised: The ad informed us of the current technology, solar, available within that country.
  讓某人得知什麼消息或事情,要用inform sb. of sth.,不能直接說inform sb. sth.。
  6、Original: I do admire those people who trust their first intuition for their courage to follow what their hearts believe.
  Revised: I do admire those people who trust their first impressions, for they have the courage to follow their hearts.
  跟著感覺走的英語表達式follow ones heart。




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