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Debate over the use of Renewable energy
Ausubel of Rockefeller University in New York, US. says the key renewable energy sources, including sun, wind and biofuels, would all require vast 1 of land if developed up to large scale production1 unlike nuclear power. That land would be far better left alone2, he says. Renewables look attractive when they are quite 2 . But if we start producing renewable energy on a large scale, the fallout is going to be horrible. Instead, Ausubel argues 3 renewed development of nuclear.
Ausubel draws his conclusions by analysing the amount of energy renewables, natural gas and nuclear can produce in terms of power per square metre of land used3. Moreover, he claims that as renewable energy use increases, this measure of efficiency4 will 4 as the best land for wind, biofuels, and solar power gets used up.
Using biofuels to obtain the 5 amount of energy as a 1000 megawatt nuclear power plant would require 2500 square kilometres of farm 6 , Ausubel says. We should be sparing land for nature5, not using it as pasture for cars and trucks, he adds.
Solar power is much more efficient than biofuel in terms of the area of land 7 , but it would still require 150 square kilometres of photovoltaic cells to 8 the energy production of the 1000 MW nuclear plant. In another example, he says meeting the 2005 US electricity demand via wind power alone would need 780,000 square kilometres, an area the size of Texas.
However, several experts are highly critical 9 Ausubels conclusions. John Turner of the US governments National Renewable Energy Laboratory says that 10 the US got all of its power from solar energy, it would still need less than half the amount of land that has been paved over for highways. Further, it need not 11 additional land. The US could get a quarter of its energy just from covering rooftops of 12 buildings, he says.
According to Turner, the same dual use also applies to wind power6. The footprint for wind7 is only 5% of the land that it 13 . Farmers can still farm the land that the turbines are on8. Turner says looking solely at land use is an oversimplification of the 14 . Im not sure Id want to build one of these nuclear plants in Afghanistan9, but we could 15 put in wind and solar power, he adds.
renewable adj. 可再生的
n. 可再生能源photovoltaic adj. 光電的
rooftop n. 屋頂
biofuel n 生物燃料footprint n. 足跡,影響區域
fallout n. 餘波,結果turbine n. 渦輪機
megawatt n. 兆瓦
pasture n. 牧場,牧地Oversimplification n. 過於簡單化
1. if developed up to large scale production:如果開發達到大規模的程度。 if developed up to large scale production = if developed up to large scale production
2.That land would be far better left alone:保留那一片土地遠比使用它為好。 left alone 是別動它的意思。如:
Leave him alone. He can solve the problem himself.
3.Ausubel draws his conclusions by analysing the amount of energy renewables, natural gas and nuclear can produce in terms of power per square metre of land used:Ausubel 用每平方公尺土地與產生的能量的比率這一方法,對可再生能源、天然氣和核電廠發出多少能量進行分析,從而得出他的結論。 renewables, natural gas and nuclear can produce in terms of power per square metre of land used 是定語從句,修飾 the amount of energy, 關係動詞 that 省略。in terms of 是 按照,依據。如:
We cannot measure everything in term of money.
4.this measure of efficiency:這種效率的值。measure 這裡指值的大小。
5.We should be sparing land for nature:我們應該將土地留給自然。spare 是免去,免遭。如:
Call him and you will spare a visit.
6.the same dual use also applies to wind power:同樣的雙重利用土地 也適用於風力發電
7.The footprint for wind:風力發電占用的土地。footprint 在此的意思是影響區。wind 實際上指的是風力發電。
8.Farmers can still farm the land that the turbines are on:農民在渦輪機占用的土地上仍然可以耕種。 Farmers can still farm the land that the turbines are on = Farmers can still farm the land on which the turbines are
9.Im not sure Id want to build one of these nuclear plants in Afghanistan:我確定不了我是否還想在阿富汗建立一個這樣的核電廠。這是一種委婉的英語表達方式 ,其真正要表達的意思是:我不想在阿富汗建立一個這樣的核電廠。
1.A) figuresB) amountsC) numbersD) digits
2.A) smallB) hugeC) littleD) vast
3.A) atB) overC) forD) against
4.A) expandB) minimizeC) enlargeD) decrease
5.A) sameB) similarC) alikeD) identical
6.A) regionB) siteC) areaD) land
7.A) leasedB) cultivatedC) usedD) purchased
8.A) patchB) matchC) catchD) fetch
9.A) inB) withC) ofD) on
10.A) even ifB) only if C) what ifD) as if
11.A) lock upB) take upC) give upD) step up
12.A) toweringB) interestingC) nicelookingD) existing
13.A) surroundsB) containsC) includesD) covers
14.A) issueB) stuffC) summaryD) suggestion
15.A) doubtfully B) supposedlyC) certainlyD) honestly
1.分析文章主題: Debate over the use of renewable energy
文章主題詞:renewable energy, debate, use
2. 直接解題:
1.A) figures B) amounts C) numbersD) digits
Ausubel of Rockefeller University in New York, US. says the key renewable energy sources, including sun, wind and biofuels, would all require vast 1 of land if developed up to large scale production unlike nuclear power .
1.B雖然四個選項的詞 , amounts 數量, 總計,numbers 數目,digits 阿拉伯數字) 都是與數字有關的,在vast... of修飾不可數名詞 land ,因此需要用 amounts。B 是答案。
That land would be far better left alone, he says.
Leave...alone 不管...
2.A) smallB) hugeC) little D) vast
Renewables look attractive when they are quite 2 .
2.A在 Renewables look attractive when they are quite __?__. But if we start producing renewable energy on a large scale, the fallout is going to be horrible這兩個句子之間,有個連詞 But, 說明兩個句子的意思相反。後一句說,如果大規模開發可再生能源,其後果十分可怕。既然 大規模、可怕,前一句填入空格的詞應該與之相反。選項 A 是 small ,正符合要求,A 是答案。
But if we start producing renewable energy on a large scale , the fallout is going to be horrible.
3.A) atB) overC) forD) against
Instead, Ausubel argues 3 renewed development of nuclear.
3.CAusubel 是不贊成大規模開發可再生能源的。空3後出現 nuclear, 可以合理地推論出,這是他贊同的能源。所以要選 C 的for。 argue over , argue against 都不符合上下文的意思。.
Ausubel draws his conclusions by analyzing the amount of energy renewables, natural gas and nuclear can produce, 創作) in terms of power per square metre of land used .
4.A) expandB) minimizeC) enlargeD) decrease
Moreover, he claims that as renewable energy use increases, this measure of efficiencywill 4 as the best land for wind, biofuels, and solar power gets used up .
4.D空4前面一句說,Ausubel 對可再生能源、天然氣和核電廠發出的電量與其占用土地的量的比值作一比較。空4所在的句子說,隨著風力發電、生物燃料發電和太陽能發電占用的最好的土地逐漸用完,這個效率比值會發生什麼變化呢?從 gets used up 分析,效率比值應該變小才對。所以要選 D的 decrease。minimize 不符合上下文的意思。
5.A) sameB) similarC) alikeD) identical
6.A) regionB) siteC) areaD) land
Using biofuels to obtain the 5 amount of energy as a 1000 megawatt nuclear power plant would require 2500 square kilometers of farm 6 , Ausubel says.
5.A從句子的意思和詞的搭配上看,填入 空5的詞是選項 A 的 same。sameas 是固定搭配。填入 same 之後,句子的意思也完整了,即:用生物燃料得到與 1000 兆瓦核電廠相同的能量需要 2500 平方公里的耕地。
6.DLand在前文中出現過, 因此land成為答案的可能性較大。Region 和area詞義十分接近, 可以彼此排除掉, B出現在空格中不合適。 Farm land的含義為耕地。
We should be sparing land for nature, not using it as pasture for cars and trucks, he adds.
7.A) leasedB) cultivatedC) usedD) purchased
8.A) patchB) matchC) catch,感染)D) fetch
Solar poweris much more efficient than biofuel in terms of the area of land 7 , but it would still require 150 square kilometers of photovoltaic cells to 8 the energy production of the 1000 MW nuclear plant.
7.C空7所在的句子的意思是: 根據...土地計算,太陽能的效率比生物燃料的效率高得多 。最適合填入的詞是 C 的 used。其它三個選項 leased 、cultivated 、purchased 都不符合上下文的意思。
8.B本題只能選 B 的 match ,其它三個選項,即 patch 、catch 、fetch 只是與 match 發音接近,意思與上下文不匹配。
In another example, he says meeting the 2005 US electricity demand via wind power alone would need 780,000 square kilometres, an area the size of Texas.
9.A) inB) withC) ofD) on
However, several experts are highly critical 9 Ausubels conclusions.
9.Ccritical 要求後接 of。C 是答案。
10.A) even ifB) only if C) what ifD) as if
John Turner of the US governments National Renewable Energy Laboratory says that 10 the US got all of its power from solar energy, it would still need less than half the amount of land that has been paved) over for highways.
10.A從空10所在的句子分析:the US got all of its power from solar energy 應該是賓語從句中的讓步狀語從句,選 A 的 even if 是對的。only if 、what if 、as if 從其分別得使用特點上看都不能出現在空格處。
e.g. only if you pass the driving test can you get drivers license.
e.g. what if my mother knows I lied to her? 如果我媽媽知道我說了謊話怎麼辦?
e.g. He looks as if he didnt sleep last night.他看起來就像昨晚沒有睡覺的樣子
11.A) lock upB) take upC) give upD) step up
Further, it need not 11 additional land.
11.B本題只能選 B 的 take up ,因為用上 take up 後,上下文的意思就連貫了。其它三個選項,即 lock up、give up 、step up 的意思與上下文不匹配。
12.A) toweringB) interestingC) nicelookingD) existing
The US could get a quarter of its energy just from covering rooftops of 12 buildings, he says.
12.D空12所在的句子的意思是: 美國僅僅從 ? 大樓的樓頂中就能得到四分之一的能量。從意思連貫的角度選擇,選項 D 的 existing 最符合題意。
According to Turner, the same dual use also applies to wind power .
13.A) surroundsB) containsC) includesD) covers
The footprint for wind is only 5% of the land that it 13 . Farmers can still farm the land that the turbines are on.
13.D本段第一句用了 dual use。第二句說風力發電占用土地的百分數 。第三句說建有渦輪發電機的土地仍然可以用於耕種 。空13要填的動詞應該是 D 的 covers 。the land that it covers, 意為 風力發電所覆蓋的土地。
14.A) issue)B) stuffC) summaryD) suggestion
Turner says looking solely at land use is an oversimplification of the 14 .
14.A從上下文看,應該是對占用土地問題的過度簡單化。選項 A 的 issue 正是上下文缺失的詞。stuff 、summary 、suggestion 都不對。
15.A) doubtfully B) supposedlyC) certainlyD) honestly
Im not sure Id want to build one of these nuclear plants in Afghanistan , but we could 15 put in wind and solar power, he adds.
15.C空15所在句子的前半句是說不會在阿富汗建造核電站,後半句用 but 開始,說明前半句和後半句的意思相反。前半句用了 Im not sure,後半句用 選項 C 的 certainly, 與 not sure 的意思相反,是很合理的。




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