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sometimes、 sometime、 some times 、some time的用法:sometimes用於一般現在時、 sometime用於將來時、 some times表示次數、some time表示一段時間。如:Sometimes they go hiking in the mountains./ I will stay here some time./ I will meet your father sometime.
how、what用於感嘆句的用法:對句子中的形容詞或副詞感嘆時用how,對人或事物進行感嘆用what. 如:What a fine day today! / How difficult !真難呀!)
already、yet的用法:在完成時中,already一般用於肯定句,yet一般用於否定句和疑問句。如:Have you done it already? / I have not had my breakfast yet.
hard與hardly的用法:hard作為副詞意思是:努力地,猛烈地,hardly是否定詞,意思是:幾乎不,一般與情態動詞 can/could連用。如:They study English very hard./ You can hardly see a person spit in a public place.
like...very much、like...better、like...best的用法:三個短語分別表示非常喜歡、更喜歡、最喜歡。如:I like baseball very much./ Do you like butter better than cheese?quite/what+a+形容詞+名詞的用法:記住:①quite/such/what...+a+形容詞+名詞;②too /so/how+形容詞+a+名詞;③rather+a+形容詞+名詞 = a+ rather+形容詞+名詞。如:I have never seen such a strange guy. / It is quite a nice day for a walk.
how 的幾個短語:how often多常,每隔多久,用於一般時態,對表示頻度的詞語進行提問; how soon多久以後,用於將來時態; how long多久,用於過去時、完成時或其他時態; how many times多少次,用於過去時或完成時,對總計次數進行提問; how much多麼,多少,對程度進行提問,也可以對數量或金錢進行提問。如:How long have you been like this?/ How often does he wash his face?
much、more與most的用法:這三個詞除了是形容詞作名詞的修飾語之外,還是程度副詞,much表示很,修飾原級形/ 副,more表示更用來構成多音節形/副的比較級,most表示最用來構成多音節形/副的最高級。此外,much也可以修飾比較級形/副。如:This park is much more beautiful than that one./ It is the most instructive film I have ever seen.




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