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  常考搭配和短語 詞義
  1, as regards , 關於,至於
  2, as a rule , 通常,照例
  3, as a result , 因此,由於
  4, as far as , 遠至,到...程度
  5, as for , 至於,關於
  6, as follows , 如下
  7, as if , 好像,仿怫
  8, as good as , 和...幾乎一樣
  9, as usual , 像平常一樣,照例
  10, as to , 至於,關於
  11, as well as , 除...外,即...又
  12, aside from , 除...外
  13, all but , 幾乎;除了...都
  14, all over , 遍及
  15, all the time , 一直,始終
  16, at a time , 一次,每次
  17, at all , 絲毫,一點也不
  18, at all costs , 不惜一切代價
  19, at all events , 不管怎樣,無論如何
  20, at all times , 隨時,總是
  21, at any rate , 無論如何,至少
  22, at best , 充其量,至多
  23, at first , 最初,起先
  24, at first sight , 乍一看,初看起來
  25, at hand , 在手邊,在附近
  26, at home , 在家,在國內
  27, at intervals , 不時,每隔...
  28, at least , 至少
  29, at last , 終於
  30, at length , 最終,終於
  31, at most , 至多,不超過
  32, at no time , 從不,決不
  33, at present , 目前,現在
  34, at the cost of , 以...為代價
  35, all means , 盡一切辦法,務必
  36, account for, 說明
  37, allow for, 考慮到
  38, arrive at, 達成,得出
  39, ask for, 請求,要求
  40, aim at, 瞄準,針對
  41, appeal to, 呼籲,要求
  42, ask after, 詢問,問候
  43, attach to, 附屬於,隸屬於




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