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  122.concern oneself about/with 關心
  123.in conclusion 最後一點;at the conclusion of 當結束時
  124.condemn sb. to 判決
  125.on condition that 以為條件,假如
  in that = because 因為
  now that = since 既然
  for all that = although儘管
  126.in/out of condition 健康狀況好/不好
  in good condition 處於良好狀態
  127.confess 承認,供認
  confess to a crime承認罪行
  128.confide in 對講真心話,依賴
  129.in confidence 推心置腹地;
  with confidence 滿懷信心地;
  have confidence in 對有信心,
  130.confidence in sb./sth. 對的信賴
  131.be confident of 有信心
  confidential 機密的
  132.confineto 把限制在某範圍內
  133.confirm sb. in 使某人更堅定
  134.conform to 符合,遵照,遵守;l)obey服從;2)observe;3)comply with照4)keep to遵循;5)abide by服從;6)stick to按做
  135.be confronted with 面對,面臨
  136.congratulate sb. on 祝賀
  137.in connection with 關於
  138.be conscious of 覺察,知道
  139.consent to 同意
  140.in consequence 結果
  141.in consequence of 由於的結果
  142.under consideration 在考慮中
  143.in consideration of 由於
  144.on no consideration 無論如何也不
  145.takeinto consideration 考慮到,把考慮進去
  146.considerate 體貼的,考慮他人需要的,considerable相當大的,值得考慮的
  147.consist of 由組成的。consist in主要在於。consist with符合,與一致
  148.be consistent with 與一致。be consistent in一貫的
  149.consult sb. on/ about sth. 向徵求方面的意見,就向請教
  150.to ones hearts content 盡情地,痛痛快快




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