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6 Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality.
A) demand B) rely on
C) prepare for D) create
6. A. insist on語義單一, 其基本含義為堅持, 堅決要求, 因此A是答案。
insist on demand require request call for ask 要求
rely on depend on be dependent on 依靠
create cause bring about lead to 造成
ingredient component element 成分
prepare for get ready for pave the way for... 為...做好準備
7. The little girl grasped her mothers arm as she crossed the street.
A) understood B) had a hold over
C) took told of D) left hold of
7.C. grasp的基本詞義為抓住, 領會。 該詞後帶有賓語her mothers arm, 因此grasp 在句子中的詞義為抓住, 因此C是答案。
street road highway avenue path way 街道,道路
grasp understand follow comprehend 理解
8. The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man.
A) left B) given up
C) turned down D) refused
8. B。 abandon為單義詞, 其基本詞義為放棄, 因此B是答案。
turn down refuse decline reject 拒絕
adandon give up quit 放棄
rescue save 救
9. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state.
A) regularly B) accidentally
C) sometimes D) successfully
9.C.Occasionally詞義單一, 其基本詞義為有時, 因此C是答案。
accidentally by accident by chance偶然地,意外地
sometimes from time to time at times occasionally 有時
10. You must shine your shoes.
A) lighten B) clean
C) wash D) polish
10. D. shine是多義詞, 其常見詞義為擦亮, 照耀,發光, 光澤, 該詞出現在句子謂語部分, 因此shine在句子中是動詞。 該動詞後帶有賓語your shoes, 因此shine在句子中的詞義為擦亮, 因此D是答案。
11. I wasnt qualified for the job really but I got it anyhow.
A) besides B) anyway
C) well D) anymore
11.B. anyhow是副詞, 其基本詞義為無論如何, 也在口語用用來轉換話題,如:Johns a good friend of mine. Well anyhow, I left for Mexico the next morning.
劃線詞所在的句子說我真地沒有資格勝任這份工作,但是我...得到了這份工作, 因此anyhow在句子中的詞義為無論如何,因此B是答案。
besides in addition furthermore - moreover 此外
qualified for adequate for fit for 適合, 勝任
12. His claims seem credible to many people.
A) workable B) convincing
C) practical D) reliable
12. B. credible的基本詞義為可信的, 因此B是答案。
credible convincing believable 可信的
reliable dependable 可靠的
13.Jack is a diligent worker.
A) ambitious B) lazy
C) hardworking D)clever
13.C. diligent詞義單一, 其基本詞義為勤奮的, 用功的, 因此C是答案。
clever bright intelligent wise 聰明的
14. Society is now more diverse than ever before .
A) colorful B) attractive
C) flexible D)varied
14. D。 diverse的基本詞義為不同的,變化多的, 因此D是答案。
attractive charming fascinating 吸引人的
15.Guests were scared when the bomb exploded
A) frightened B) killed
C) endangered D) rescued
15. A。 scare 的詞義較單一, 其基本詞義為驚嚇,威嚇, 因此A是答案。
frighten scare驚嚇
fear be afraid 害怕
rescue save 救




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