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From the beginning, water has furnished man with a source of food and a highway to travel upon. The first civilizations arose ____1_____ Water was a dominant element in the environment, a challenge ____2____ mans ingenuity. The Egyptians invented the 365-day calendar in response to the Niles annual flooding. The Babylonians, ___3___were among the most famous law-makers in ancient times, invented laws ____4____ water usage. Water inspired the Chinese to build a 1,000-___5___ canal, a complex system which, after nearly 2,500 years, remains still practically ____6____ and still commands the astonishment of engineers. But _____7____ never found complete solutions to their water problems. The Yellow River is also known as Chinas Sorrow it is so unpredictable and dangerous ____8____ in a single flood it has caused a million ____9____. Floods slowed the great ____10____ of the Indus River Valley, and inadequate drainage ruined _____11______ of its land. Today water dominates man ____12____ it always has done. Its presence continues to ____13_____ the location of his homes and cities; its violent variability can ____14___man or his herds or his crops; its routes links him_____15____ his fellows; its immense value may add to already dangerous political conflicts. There are many examples of this in our own time.
furnish v.提供 annual [?nju?l] adj.每年的
ingenuity n. 聰敏,才智 Babylonian n. 巴比倫人
Egyptian n. 埃及人 dominate [d?mineit] v.主宰,統治
calendar n. 日曆 variability [?v?ri?biliti] n. 多變
1. A) where B) the place C) when D) in the place
2. A) with B) as C) to D) on
3. A) they B) / C) that D) who
4. A) regulates B) regulate C) regulated D) regulating
5. A) miles B) mile C) miles D) miles
6. A) in use B) for use C) by use D) on use
7. A) ancient B) the ancients C) ancients D) ancients people
8. A) that B)/ C) because D) which
9. A) people B) deaths C) damages D) ruins
10. A) influence B) effect C) society D) civilization
11. A) many B) lot C) much D) a lots
12. A) for B) as C) because D) whereas
13. A) govern B) control C) lead D) influence
14. A) cause B) violate C) kill D) damage
15. A) by B) on C) and D) to
1. A 這個句子的意思是說,最初的人類文明出現於水在周圍的環境中起著重要作用的地方。所以要用where引導一個表示地點的狀語叢集。又如:The young people should go where the country needs them the most.
2. C 在英語中,表示對的挑戰的意思要用 a challenge to 。
3. D 這個句子的主語是 the Babylonians,謂語是後面的invented laws 。可見,都好後面的成分要做補充說明用。根據已有的信息,我們可以推出這裡who是正確的,它同後面的部分組成一個非限制性的定語從句,修飾主語。注意,that雖然也可以引導定語從句,但它不能引導非限制性定語從句。
4. D 這裡只能填regulating,該詞同後面的短語構成現在分詞短語,修飾上文的laws。整個名詞短語的意識是管理用水的法律。
5. B 當一個名詞修飾另一個名詞時,該名詞往往用其單數形式。根據這一原則,1000-後接mile,像上文的 the 365-day就是遵循了這一原則。又如: a four-hour ride,a twenty-mile trip ,a five-room house, a six-storey building。
6. A remain in use 表示仍然在使用。 in use 是在使用的意思。又如:The textbook is no longer in use. If this is not in use, Id like to borrow it.
7. B ancient 既是形容詞也是名詞,the ancients 尤指古代文明的人。
8. A 前文有so,這裡應該填入that,that引導的小句表示一種結果。又如:The weather was so bad that the children stayed indoors the whole day.
9. B death 是可數名詞,也是不可數名詞。作可數名詞時,是指某種類型的死也可指死了多少人。 damage 是不可數名詞,它的複數形式 damages 主要用在法律領域,指損害賠償。如:The court ordered him to pay $1,000 damages to the person he had hurt. ruin 是不可數名詞。可數形式ruins 常指遺蹟、廢墟等,如: The majestic ruins of Rome impressed her immensely.可以看出,在這三個選項中,只有deaths 是合適的。 cause 是使役動詞,可以說 it caused a million people to die.但不可以說 it caused a million people.所以填入people是錯誤的。
10. D 正確的答案是 civilization,意思是印度河谷的人類文明。
11. C 量詞 many, a lot of, lots of 和much是一個連續統一體。具體地說,many只修飾可數名詞,much是、只修飾不可數名詞,而a lot of 和lots of 處於兩者之間,既可限定可數名詞,也可限定不可數名詞。lots of 比 a lot of 在口氣上更隨便些。下面是一些具體的用 a lot of 和lots of 的例子:I remember a lot of things. / A lot of our land is used to grow crops for export. / There are lots of things I could do. / I want lots of food. 英語中沒有lot of 和 a lots of 這樣的兩次, land在此處是不可數名詞,因此,唯一合適的選擇是much。
12. B 正確的答案是填入as ,此處的as 引導的是表示方式的狀語從句,整個句子的意思是說今天,水就像它一直控制人類一樣仍然在控制著人類。由於原文前後兩個句子之間沒有一種因果關係,所以填入for 或because 都是不對的。而whereas 一詞通常表示對比關係,如:The boys are singing whereas the girls are dancing.所以填入這個詞在語義上是不合適的。
13. A 這個句子的意思是說,水的存在決定著人們選擇安家建城的位置。Govern 和control都有控制和支配的意思。Govern可以是人的支配,也可以使自然法則或自然力量的控制或支配。所以,govern是一個合適的詞。lead的意思是引導;領導。Influence的意思是影響。
14. C 如中所說,cause是使役動詞,只說 can cause man or his herbs or his crops 句子不完整。Violate一詞的後面可以跟 a rule, a law,但不能說是man。Damage一詞的後面常跟物質的東西,如a house, a village, crops等,也不能接man 。所以只有kill一詞是正確的選擇。注意 kill可以跟活著的東西,所以kill his crops 在語義上完全成立。又如:The cold weather has killed the flowers.
15. D link 一詞可跟to 搭配,又如:The bridge links this city to that village.




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