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【短對話試題】 3. Q: What does the woman say about the lecture? A) It was a long lecture, but easy to understand. B) It was not as easy as she had thought. C) It was as difficult as she had expected. D) It was interesting and easy to follow. 4. Q: Whats the man asking the woman to do? A) To put him through to the director. B) To have a talk with the director about his work. C) To arrange an appointment for him with the director. D) To go and see if the director can meet him right now.
【聽力翻譯與答案講解】 3. 男:你認為布朗教授的課怎麼樣? 女:話題很有意思,但是這門課比我想的難懂多了。 問:女子說了有關這門課程的什麼信息? 答案解析: 正確答案為B。對話中男子詢問女子對布朗教授課程的看法,女子說很有意思,但比她預想的難懂,可知,女子認為這門課比她想的要難,也就是沒有她想的那麼簡單,因此B項正確。A,這門課程很長,但是很容易理解,對話中女子認為這門課很難懂,因此A項與對話內容不符,排除。C,像她想的一樣難,對話中女子說比她想的要難多了,可知她本以為這門課程會比較容易,因此C項與對話內容不符,排除。D,很有意思,也很容易懂,對話中女子認為課程很難懂,因此D項不符,排除。 4. 男:這周我想和你們主管談談。你能幫我安排一下嗎? 女:他最近特別忙。不過我會儘量的。 問:男子讓女子做什麼? 答案解析: 正確答案為C。對話中男子說想和女子的主管談話,讓女子幫忙安排一下,可知,男子讓女子為他安排預約與主管見面,因此C項正確。A,把男子的電話轉給主管,對話中未涉及,排除。B,和主管談談他的工作,對話中是男子自己要和主管談,而不是讓女子去做,因此B項與對話內容不符,排除。D,去看看主管現在是否有時間見他。對話中,男子是說這周想和主管談談,而不是現在馬上,因此D項不符,排除。
【聽力原文】 3.M: What do you think of Professor Browns lecture? W: The topic was interesting, but the lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected. Q: What does the woman say about the lecture? 4.M: Id like to have a talk with your director sometime this week. Could you arrange it for me? W: Hes rather busy these days. But Ill see what I can do. Q: Whats the man asking the woman to do?




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