
In company with和...一起六級高頻詞組詳解第6講


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  1. in company with和...一起---
  My aunt came in company with her children.
  Keep company with與...交往,與...形影不離
  Accompany是一個及物動詞意思是go with,當表示伴奏的意思時加介詞on/at---He accompanied her at/on the piano.
  Keep sb company---Sit here and keep me company for a while.
  Our teach accompanied us to the park.我們的老師陪我們去公園.
  Company做同伴的時候是集體名稱不可數,companion是單數人稱是可數的;a companion in war戰友;the companions on the journey旅伴
  2. compare在做與... 比較解釋的時候可以用compare A with/to B; 當做把比作的..的時候只能用to
  He compares my book with/to his.
  He compares books to friends.
  3. act on impulse意氣用事--
  -His friends advised him not to act on impulse and he should think carefully before his decision.
  4. compete with/against for sth;in competition with
  5. complain that; complain to sb of/about sth; complain of doing sth
  6. as/so far asbe concerned就...而言---As far as English is concerned, he is first in our class.
  7. discern A and B; discern A from B; discern between A and B
  8. on the condition that如果---I will come on condition that Mike is invited, too.
  Be conditional on/upon---This is conditional on the overall plan.
  Confident + of; confidence in
  We have confidence in our future.
  We are confident of our future.
  9. in conflict with
  to inflicton/upon
  The typhoon inflicted serious damages on the city.
  The teacher inflicted punishment upon her.
  10. consider做及物動詞居多,也偶爾做不及物動詞,consider +doing
  I considered him a rascal.我認為他是個流氓.
  He is considering going to Europe.
  In consideration of
  11. contents指書的目錄或者容器內所裝的物體;但是在講內容的時候,需要使用content
  12. continue的兩個形容詞,continual, continuous哪個拼寫較長,哪個就表示連續不斷的
  13. in chord=in concert一齊,一致,共同
  14. corps單復同刑,意思是軍團,軍隊corpse意思是屍體
  15. dispute with sb about/over sth
  He has a reputation for greediness.
  A deputy for sb---某人的代理人; a deputy to...的代表
  16. a country國家; the country鄉村
  17. counter除了做動詞,還可以做副詞 go counter to ones interest通個人利益相違背
  Contradict是一個及物動詞,所以contradict oneself; in contradiction with
  On the contrary用作連詞; to the contrary用作形容詞或副詞
  I thought he was a criminal; on the contrary, he was a policeman.
  There is evidence to the contrary.
  Unless I heard to the contrary.
  Contrast既是名詞也是動詞; present/in sharp/striking contrast to與...形成鮮明對比
  To contrastwith---把...與...相對比---
  He only seemed to contrast his present cheerfulness and felicity with the dire endurance that was over.
  In contrast with---與...成對比---
  The beautiful stands in contrast to the ugly and develops in struggle with it.
  On the contrary和in contrast區別在於,on the contrary用於否定一個陳述,其實是圍繞一個事情在講,而in contrast是舉出令一個事情並且和前一事物相反
  例如:今天很熱啊,on the contrary,今天很冷---都在圍繞今天講,表示對前一句話的否定
  今天很熱啊,in contrast,昨天很冷
  18. incur hatred招來怨恨; incur danger遭受危險
  occur是一個不及物動詞---occur原義為come to ones mind所以occur的主語通常為某事,只是為了保持句子平衡,所以用it
  It suddenly occurred to him that he hadnt locked the door.
  19. by courtesy承蒙...的好意,由於...的作用
  Mr. Windaus used the photograph by courtesy of the publisher.
  This program comes by courtesy of a local company.
  20. The doctor restored him to health; He was restored to health; He recovered his health; He recovered from his illness.
  21. clash既是不及物動詞也是名詞;a border clash邊境衝突; Our ideas clashed with theirs. A clash of ideas意見不合
  crash既是動詞也是名詞 crash into; collide with類似還有 bump into, drive into; run into碰上,裝上
  crush意思是碾碎,鎮壓 They crushed the revolt/their enemy.




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