
英語六級詞彙解析 Lesson 34


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  Assert v.肯定地說,斷言;維護,堅持
  Copernicus asserted before the church that there was nothing wrong with his theory.在教會面前,哥白尼堅持聲稱他的理論沒錯.
  astronomy n.天文家
  As a scientific discipline,astronomy developed earlier than most other subjects.作為一門學科,天文學 比其他學科發展得都早一些.
  Boycott vt./n.拒絕參加, 抵制
  For a few days every year,people in South Korea will boycott everything Japanese. 每年都有幾天韓國人會抵制一切來自日本的東西.
  Bud n.葉芽,花蕾 vi.發芽,萌芽
  When trees are budding everything seems to be full of vitality.當樹發芽的時候,一切都顯得生機勃勃.
  Bulletin n.簡明資訊,最新消息;公布,布告,公報;學報,期刊
  After Ronald Reagan was shot,a lot of people read the latest bulletin about the Presidents health.里根總統被刺以後,很多人閱讀關於總統健康狀況的最新公報.
  coincidence n.巧合,巧事;一致,符合
  By a strange coincide- nce we happened to be travelling on the same train.巧得出奇,我們正好坐同一列火車.
  There is a coincidence of interests between our two countries.我們兩國之間有著共同的利益.
  contradict vt.反駁,否認的真實性;與矛盾/牴觸
  His actions contradict his declared moral principles.What a hypocrite!他的行為違背了他所宣稱的道德準則.真是個偽君子!
  descendant n.後代,後裔
  Todays bicycles are descendants of the earlier velocipede.今天的自行車是從早期的腳踏車發展而來的.
  Dispise vt.鄙視,看不起
  No one will despise you so long as you respect yourself.主要你尊重自己,沒有人 會鄙視你.
  Dispatch vt.派遣,發送,調遣 n.急件,快信;資訊報道;調遣,派遣
  We have arranged for the goods to be dispatched to you at once.我們已為立即向你方發運商品做好了準備.
  As the items he has ordered are in urgent need,they have to be sent by dispatch.由於他所需的產品為其所急需,這些產品須由快遞發貨.
  Dreadful a.可怕的;糟透了的,極不合意的
  Ive had a dreadful day-everything seems to have gone wrong.我度過了很糟糕的一天,每件事好像都出了差錯.
  Ensue vi.接著發生,接踵而來,因而產生
  Serious problems will ensue if something is not done about gang rivalry now.如果目前對於黑幫團伙坐視不理,將來會產生嚴重的後果.
  Furious a.狂怒的,暴怒的,激烈的
  Davis will be furious and violent if his ball was intercepted.如果有人中途截獲了戴維斯的球,他會暴怒,從而變得兇猛.
  Fuse n.保險絲,熔絲;導火線,導火素 v.熔合,合併
  Youll blow a fuse if you put the electric heater and the cooker on at the same time.如果你同時把電暖爐和電熱鍋都開者著,保險絲會燒斷的.
  gigantic a.巨大的,龐大的
  Flying very high,the new ariplane looked like a gigantic bird.因為飛得很高,這架新飛機看起來像一隻巨大的鳥.
  Grin vi./n.咧嘴笑
  Seeing his stocks on the rise,he was grinning from ear to ear.眼見自己的股票一個勁地往上漲,他笑得合不攏嘴.
  Intact a.完整無缺的,未經觸動的,未受損傷的
  Despite his misfortunes,his faith and optimism remained intact.雖然他遭到一連串的不幸,他的信心和樂觀絲毫未減.
  Intellect n.智力,理解力;才智非凡的人
  Those scientists who won Nobel prizes in various sciences are the intellect of the age.那些獲得諾貝爾科學獎的人無一不是當代有才智的人士.
  Litter n.廢棄物,被胡亂仍掉的東西;一窩; 雜亂的東西
  Litter vt.亂扔東西於 vi.亂扔廢棄物
  The litter in some holiday resorts really makes people feel disgusted.在度假勝地,仍得到處都是的廢棄物令人討厭.
  Multitude n.大量,許多 大眾,群眾
  Do you mean to say Fair skin covers the multitude of sins.你的意思是說,一俊遮百丑?
  And that he may be pardoned for his past achievements?因為他過去的成績,我們就該原諒他?
  Muscular a.肌肉發達的,健壯的;肌肉的
  When watching a sports game,we cant help admiring the athletes muscular bodies.觀看比賽的時候,我們禁不住會羨慕運動員們肌肉發達的身體.
  Promising a.有希望的,有前途的
  Though he is not yet a first-rate actor,he is a promising youth.雖然他還不是一流演員,他確實是個有前途的小伙子.
  Pursuit n.追求,尋求;追趕,追逐; 嗜好,消遣
  In the pursuit of profit,businesses make peoples lives conven- ient and colorful.在追求利益的同時,商業公司也使得人們的生活更方便、更多彩.
  Slum n.貧民窟
  Poverty and illness are common in the slums,but things are bound to improve.在貧民窟,貧窮和疾病盛行,但是情況一定會改善的.
  Snack n.快餐,小吃,點心
  Snack bars have become a familiar sight in most big cities and they are young peoples favorites.快餐店在大城市裡隨處可見,成為年輕人的至愛.
  Splash vi.濺,潑 n.濺出的水, 斑點
  Dont splash me;I dont want to get wet with all these clothes.不要往我身上潑水,我不想弄濕身上的衣服.
  Staircase n.樓梯
  This is just a flight of staircase.There is still a long way to go.這只是一段樓梯,還有好長一段呢.
  Stitch v.縫,繡 n.一針,線跡;縫法,針法,編織法;突然劇痛
  A stitch in time saves nine.及時的一針頂日後的九針.
  Thanksgiving n.感恩節
  Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday in November, kept in the U.S. as a holiday on which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely gathered in.感恩節即每年11月第4個星期四,是美國的一個假日,原為莊稼收成後感謝上帝恩典.
  tolerant a.寬容的,容忍的
  As friends,we should be tolerant and understanding with each other.朋友必須要互相寬容並互相諒解.
  Trait n.特徵,特點,特性
  Thousands of years later people are still arguing vehemently against each other over whether personality traits are born or learned.數千年後,人們依然在熱烈爭論,
  Trifle n.瑣事,小事,無價值的東西 vi.嘲笑,輕視
  He is always worrying about trifles losing sight of his main objectives.他總是擔心瑣事,失去了人生的主要目標.




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