

2023年08月27日 - txt下載
1. as 引導的狀語從句
1) as 引導時間狀語從句,意為隨著 ,常與比級連用。
We get wiser as we get older.
2). as 引導讓步狀語從句。需將表語或狀語前置,有時也可用 that / though 代替 as 。
Clever as he was, he often failed in examinations.
3) as 引導比較狀語從句。與 than 引導的比較狀語從句類似,有時從句用部分倒裝。
She took as much responsibility asdid her husband.
4) as 引導表示強調意義的特殊比較句型。
1) as as anything;
as as can be;
as as one can
極其 , 到了最 的程度
He is as naughty as anything .
2) as as one can;
as as permit;
as best one can
He began to run, as fast as he could.
3) as + adj. as + adj.
as 後用同一形容詞,表示極其、非常
She returned to her small town as ill as ill .
5) as 引導類比從句,與 so 連用。表示正如 所以
As you brew, so must you drink.
6) as 引導比例從句,與 what 用法相同。
Books are to the mind as food is to the body