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God, art teacher Zhang asked me to draw still life. How can I draw it? To know my painting level is the worst in class one, let alone this difficult still life. I can't "start" even if I draw ordinary color paintings. What can I do? I was so anxious that I was like an ant on a hot pot - walking around the house. At this time, my father's love - newspaper cutting board attracted my attention, especially the paragraph: "now cloning technology is changing rapidly, it can clone people completely..."
I immediately felt very happy and thought: "Cezanne is the main figure of Post Impressionism, and he is also called the" father of art "by western artists. If we can clone him to help me draw the scenery, it would be better Think like this, think about the things around become blurred.
In an instant, there were several more lines in the clipping: "company t can clone anything ..." After reading the address in the newspaper clipping, I took a dozen alleys to find the clone company. I just walked into the door of the company, and came face to face with a super simulation robot, which warmly welcomed me and invited me to the lightning overspeed conveyor. The robot and I went to the clone sales room on the 6000 floor, and walked into the dark room. I couldn't help typing two words in my mind: "fear!" Suddenly, a mysterious voice said to me, "what would you like to clone?" "I want to clone Cezanne!"
As soon as my voice fell, a clone Cezanne appeared in front of me. I was very excited. I grabbed the clone Cezanne and ran towards my home.
回到了家,我忙把克隆塞尚按在我的畫台椅子上,剛要起身去拿畫畫用品的我,杯賽上一下子拉住了。他叫道:「Oh,what is you name?」英語學得不太好的我,一聽傻了眼真是丈二的和尚—摸不著頭腦,我看了看克隆塞尚,只見他臉部肌肉緊張,一副很著急的樣子,我便以為:「Whatisyouname?」的意思是「趕快讓我畫畫!」我高興極了,拿出了自己最好的畫具擺在了他的面前,沒想到克隆塞尚敬跟我大聲嚷起來,還「怦怦」的直跺腳,手舞足蹈得想我表達什麼,可我就是聽不動,我頓時慌了審計的一屁股坐在了地上,「哇哇」大哭起來。
Back home, I hurriedly put clone Cezanne on my drawing table chair. I was just about to get up to get my painting supplies, and I was caught in the cup competition. "Oh, what is your name?" he cried I don't learn English very well. I can't touch my head. When I look at cloned Cezanne, I see that his face is tense and he looks worried. I think, "what is your name?" Let me draw now I was so happy that I took out my best painting tools and put them in front of him. I didn't expect that clone Cezanne would yell at me and stamp with his "thumping" feet. He danced like to express something to me, but I just couldn't hear him. I sat down on the ground in a panic and cried loudly.
"Tingting, wake up, how did you sleep on the newspaper cutting board?" I was woken up by my mother. Although "clone Cezanne" is only "a dream of Nanke", it left me a kind of motivation, that is to study English well! Maybe after the development of cloning technology, it can really clone Cezanne. It's not a piece of cake for me to talk with Cezanne at that time!




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