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Are you choose submerged by shy, or choose me.
2 、衝動的時候,靦腆的男孩不再害羞。
Impulse, no longer shy shy boy.
Your shy like apathy, breaks my heart.
4 、我害羞時不會臉紅,只會笑得像傻瓜一樣。
I won't blush when I shy, will only smile like a fool.
5 、別說摸手了,連提到女生這兩個字都會害羞。
Don't touch the hand, even mentioned this two word will shy girls.
6 、害羞的妖精小姐也十分可愛呢。非常非常可愛。
Miss shy of the demon is also very cute. Very, very lovely.
7 、臉紅說明已經有問題了,真正的無辜沒什麼可害羞的。
Blush with shame that it has been a problem, the real innocent there is nothing to be shy.
8 、我很害羞,耳垂髮燙,臉頰都是夕陽的紅色,我很愛你。
I was very shy, burned the earlobe, cheek is the sunset red, I love you very much.
Sometimes, feeling like a shy flower, should pass the test of time will not.
1 0 、你看著我的時候,我會害羞的不知所措,這就是所謂的喜歡吧。
When you look at me, I'll shy at a loss, this is the so-called love.
1 1、腳踏車是戈薇故意帶著的,因為每次被犬夜叉背著,她都會害羞。
Bike is kagome with intentionally, because every time be inuyasha carrying, she will be shy.
1 2、一張紅臉是害羞,一張黑臉是魯莽,一張看不出顏色的臉是暗藏心機。
A blush is shy, and a black face is reckless, a face can not see the color is hidden.
1 3、有時候我會想,我到底是有多愛你才會把你對我視而不見當做害羞靦腆。
Sometimes I think, exactly how much I love you will make you ignore me shy.
1 4、害羞是畏懼或害怕羞辱的情緒,這種情緒可以阻止人不去犯某些卑鄙的行為。
Shy is fear or fear of humiliation, the mood can stop people don't go to make some despicable behavior.
1 5、會害怕被人看著,是因為害怕受傷;被人看到會覺得害羞,是因為自我否定。
Afraid of being looked at, because fear of injury; Being seen would feel shy, because of self-denial.
1 6、她們處在一個最柔美的年紀,經常會被問及感情問題,然後低眉頷首害羞惹人憐。
Themselves in one of the most tender age, often asked about emotional problem, and then low eyebrow shy provoking flow.
1 7、會害羞的男人是值得信任的,不會害羞的男人,如果不是腦子壞了,就是心裡裝著禍水。
Will shy man is worthy of trust, not shy man, if not the brain is broken, is containing the main heart.
1 8、如果我的手冒犯了你,我的嘴就像害羞的信徒,準備輕輕一吻補償魯莽,信徒不必太怪責手的誠意。
If you took offense at my hand, my mouth like a shy of believers, to gently kiss compensation recklessness, believers need not too blame hand's sincerity.
1 9、我可能會害羞於做這個做那個,但對於我喜歡你這件事,我不害羞,我就是喜歡你。這樣的喜歡著你。
I might be shy to do this do that, but for I love you in this matter, I don't be shy, I just love you. Such love you.




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