
Module 9 Heroes


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unit 2 there were few doctors,so he had to work very hard.22. join the army 參軍23. give one’s life to sth/doing sth. 獻身於…e.g. a lot of heroes gave their lives to their country. 很多英雄把生命獻給了祖國. he gave his life to saving the rare wild animals. 他獻身於挽救珍稀野生動物.同義詞組: devote one’s life to sth/doing sth.或 be devoted to sth/doing sth.e.g. he has devoted his life to helping the blind. 他獻身於幫助盲人. he is devoted to football. 他獻身於足球.24. canada 加拿大 canadian加拿大人 n., 加拿大的adj.e.g. he is from canada. = he is canadian. (注意這裡沒有冠詞a/an )又如: he is american/chinese/japanese.25. medical adj. 醫療的 invent new medical tool發明新的醫療器械medicine n. 藥 take medicine 吃藥26. treat v. 治療 treatment n.27. dr ( = doctor ) 醫生; 博士28. front n. 前線e.g. he went to the front to look after injured soldiers. 他上前線照顧受傷的士兵.he lost his life at the front. 他在前線犧牲了.29. 受傷 injure v. injured adj. wound v. wounded adj. hurt v. hurt adj.辨析: 人們在戰爭或爭鬥中負傷用wounded, 在事故中受傷用injured.這兩個詞的詞義都比hurt重.e.g. he was seriously wounded by an enemy bullet. 他被敵人的子彈打中了,傷得很嚴重. they were badly injured when their car hit a tree. 他們的車撞上了樹, 傷勢很重. i hurt my foot when i fell. 我跌倒時傷了腳.30. war 戰爭e.g. the first world war ( wwⅰ) 第一次世界大戰 the second world war ( wwⅱ) 第二次世界大戰31. invent v. 發明; invention n. 發明; inventor n. 發明家32. tool n. 工具33. local adj. 當地的e.g. local government 當地政府34. operate v. 1) 操作, 運轉, 工作e.g. operate a machine開機器 operate a factory經營工廠2) 對某人做手術 operate on sb.operating theatre 手術室operation n. perform operations 實施手術35. 儘管,雖然1) in spite of sth./doing sth. ( = despite sth./doing sth. )e.g. my room is very comfortable in spite of its small size. = my room is very comfortable despite its small size. 我的房間雖然小但很舒服. she missd the plane in spite of driving very fast to the airport.




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