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9b unit4 great people課案teaching & studying plan
(課題)integrated skills
6supporting theories(理論支撐)1.教學過程不僅是一個知識傳授的過程,也是師生情感交流、彼此感染的過程。成長中的學生渴望溝通、理解、支持和幫助。和諧、融洽的師生關係在教學過程中發揮著特殊、奇妙的作用。美國心理學家羅傑斯認為:「成功的教學依賴於一種和諧安全的課堂氣氛。」在教學過程中,教師應該通過有效的方法建立和諧的師生關係,讓學生成為知心朋友,使學生帶著一種高昂的情緒主動參與教學活動的始終,在寬鬆和諧的教學氛圍中,提升學生的創造意識、主動精神,促進學生全面素質的和諧發展,使教學活動達到真情交融、充滿生命活力的完美境界。2.任務型教學。以學生為主體、教師為主導、訓練為主線,面向全體,分層教學,充分體現教學的實效性、雙向性和引導性。採用靈活多變的教學手段,培養學生的學習興趣。3.因材施教原則,不讓每一個學生掉隊。
aims & demands
a: knowledge (語言知識)
to master the usage of some important words and phrases.
to understand the given information.
b: language skill (語言技能)
to enable students to learn to complete notes with related information.
to talk about famous people and why we admire them.
to finish an article about introducing people.
c: feeling (情感態度)
to learn from great people and make contributions to society.
key points &difficulties
難點)how to use related information to complete notes.how to write an article about introducing great people
teaching methods
(教學方法) task-based approach situational teaching method
aids: 課前準備(教具、活動準備等)blackboard; computer; ohp (overhead projector); some pictures 教 學 設 計
課前延伸1. grasp the new words and phrases of this part.2. finish the exercises of this part.
讓學生通過課前自學,小組內的團結合作解決預習中的一些問題,為上課做準備teaching plan(授課計劃)studying plan(學習計劃)aims(設計意圖)課內探究
學step one warm up1.free talk 2.preview work(check the answers.)
複習熱身, 通過合作探究的形式檢查預習情況,激發學生興趣的同時自然的導入新課的話題和內容。step two presentation1. read some information on marie curie and answer questions.通過小組合作,自主探究使學生學會從材料中提取有用的信息,為下面補全筆記作鋪墊。
導step three practice1. complete notes with as much information as students can.




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