托福寫作熱門材料講解 - 家居裝修 - 中文靜網 來源:https://cht.cnj8.com/i/6/320106.html 托福寫作熱門材料講解 古來一切有成就的人,都很嚴肅地對待自己的生命,當他活著一天,總要儘量多勞動,多工作,多學習,不肯虛度年華,不讓時間白白地浪費掉。以下是小編為大家搜索整理的托福寫作熱門材料講解,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!   task 1   托福寫作素材模板:體育和團隊合作   素材段落 Teamwork is important in sports because achieving a victory almost always requires the effort of every team member. That is to say, every athlete’s performance matters when participating in team sports. For example, in baseball, each player relies on his teammates to perform different functions than his own. Soccer is similar in this respect, as a defensive player strives to keep the other team from scoring, but must depend on offensive players to score in order for the team to win. Even sports that are considered individual sports can often become team sports. Competitors in the 100-metre dash often form teams that include coaches, nutritionists and therapists who serve as a support system for the individual athlete.   單詞和詞組 in this respect 在這個方面 =in this way/aspect ✎ with respect to/in reference to strive to 努力做某事 =endeavor to, make great efforts to, exert oneself to ✎ In order to prosper economically, every nation in the world strives to build working forces with desirable health conditions.   話題詞彙 團體項目 group/teamwork project 合作夥伴關係 partnership 需要協作的工作 collaborative work 提高工作的.鬥志 lift morale/spirits 合作精神 sense of collaboration/cooperation/teamwork 強調團隊協作重要性 address/stress the importance of teamwork 提出可行的解決方案 propose a feasible solution 成功的機率更高 have a better chance of success   task 2   托福寫作素材模板:養寵物的益處   素材段落 Pets can provide us with companionship. When we come back home from an exhausting day, our little buddies provide good reasons for us to take a walk outside. Obviously, pets would bring us relaxation and refreshment, not to mention the feeling of being needed and relied upon. Keeping pets is an effective way of keeping us from feeling lonely. Besides, pets can enhance positive behavior in children. Research shows that children who play with pets are more caring and they would know how to take care of other people. Children will become affable because of the love they give to their pets, which in turn will create far-reaching implications for their future. To conclude, pets are just like our friends who help us drive away loneliness and satisfy some of our mental and spiritual needs.   單詞和詞組 rely upon 依靠、依賴 =depend on ✎ No individual is strong enough to face the overwhelming challenges of competitors by relying upon his/her own strength. affable 和藹可親的 =friendly, gentle create far-reaching implications 產生深遠影響 ✎ Parents’ behaviors will create far-reaching implications on their children’s growth. 話題詞彙 休息和放鬆 rest and relaxation 釋放壓力 release pressure 和家人一起去野營 go camping with one’s family members 去附近的購物中心 go to a close shopping mall/center 櫥窗瀏覽 go window-shopping 養寵物 raise pets 選擇田園生活 prefer the natural life 重新振作 fully refreshed 來源:https://cht.cnj8.com/i/6/320106.html 請記住我們的網站,中文靜網(cnj8.com),我們用心為您服務!