英語四級口語:表達關心 - 歷史野史 - 中文靜網 來源:https://cht.cnj8.com/i/9/281714.html 英語四級口語:表達關心 英文水平的提高離不開平時一點一滴的積累,以下百分網小編整理的關於表達關心的英語四級口語,希望對大家有所幫助,更多信息請關注應屆畢業生網!   ●關心對方 我幫您收大衣吧。 Let me get your coat for you. *主人迎接穿大衣來訪的客人時使用。 Let me get your coat for you. (我幫您收大衣吧。) Thanks. (謝謝。) 別拘束,像在自己家一樣吧。 Make yourself at home. I like your apartment. (我很喜歡您的公寓。) Make yourself at home. (別客氣,像在自己家一樣吧。) 很抱歉…… Excuse me. *中途退席時。 One moment, please. 現在您有空嗎? Do you have a minute? *要和對方說話時。 Can I talk to you for a minute? Are you busy now? (現在你忙嗎?) 我能跟您說幾句話嗎? Can I talk to you for a minute? Can I talk to you for a minute? (我能跟您說幾句話嗎?) Sure, go ahead. (當然可以,你說吧!) 您先請。 After you. After you. (您先請。) Oh, thank you. (噢!謝謝!) 我幫您一把吧! Can I give you a hand? Can I give you a hand? (我幫您一把吧!) That's all right, thanks. (好的,謝謝。) 對不起,我過一下。 Excuse me. Excuse me. (對不起,我過一下。) That's all right. (您請。) 我接受你的建議。/就照你說的`。 I'll accept your offer. I'll accept your offer. (我接受你的建議。/就照你說的。) That's great! (太棒了。)*常用於在工作中。例如在回答類似“我考慮要你做A分店的分店長怎麼樣?”和“這輛車我想賣5000美元”的問題時,前一種情況意為“我想我可以接受你的建議”,後一種情況可以理解為“好吧,這個價錢我買了。” 對不起,打斷一下。 Sorry to interrupt you. Sorry to interrupt you. (對不起,打斷一下。) Yes? (什麼事?) 真抱歉,這麼突然。 Sorry for the short notice. *short notice “急的,突然的”。 Sorry for the short notice. (真抱歉,這麼突然。) Don't worry about it. (沒關係,不必擔心。)   ●對道歉的回答 沒事兒。/別放在心裡! That's all right. *有時連寫成That's alright. I'm sorry. (對不起。) That's all right. (沒事兒。/別放在心裡!) Don't worry about it. Don't worry. It's no big deal. (不是什麼大不了的事。) Never mind. I forgot to bring your book. (我忘了把你的書帶來了。) Never mind. (不必在意。) 下次要多加小心。 Please be more careful next time. 來源:https://cht.cnj8.com/i/9/281714.html 請記住我們的網站,中文靜網(cnj8.com),我們用心為您服務!