
PEP第八冊英語 Unit 1 教案 時


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PEP第八冊英語 Unit 1 教案 第四課時(精選4篇)

PEP第八冊英語 Unit 1 教案 第四課時 篇1

  teaching aims:1. 能夠聽、說、讀、寫動詞詞組:bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went akiing, went ice-skating.2. 能聽、說、認讀句子:what did you do on your holiday? i bought presents.3. 能夠聽懂、說唱歌謠「today i went to school」。4. 能夠完成task time中的任務。teaching importance and difficulties:1. 本課時的教學重點是四會掌握五個動詞詞組的一般過去式形式。2. 本課時的教學難點是掌握四會單詞bought, rowed和saw的讀音和拼寫。teaching medias:teacher:錄音機和錄音帶;動詞短語卡片,動物單詞卡片和文具卡片;幾張不同類型的賀卡;議長哈爾濱的雪景照片。teaching procedures:ⅰ.warm-up1. 教師放歌曲「a trip to china」的錄音,師生齊唱。2. 教師放歌謠「today i went to school」的錄音,師生齊唱。ⅱ.preview1. 教師出示a let’s learn部分的短語卡片,同桌以「開火車」的形式拼讀動詞短語。2. 教師放let’s read部分的錄音,學生跟讀。3. 日常口語會話。ⅲ.presentation and practiselet’s learn1. 教師出示哈爾濱雪景照片問:guess. where did i go last winter? 學生猜:you went to harbin. 教師繼續說:yes, that’s right. i like snow. i can ski. 教師板書ski,然後出示went skiing的卡片,問:what did i do in harbin? 引導學生回答:you went skiing.教師板書:went skiing帶讀單詞skiing,學生拼讀。2. 教師出示went ice-skating的教師卡片問:what did … do on her/his holiday? did she /he go skiing? 引導學生回答:no, she/he went ice-skating.教師板書:went ice-skating,學生拼讀。3. 教師問:when do we go ice-skating? can we skate in the summer?引導學生作答。教師繼續說:no, we can』t. we can row a boat in the summer. 教師出示rowed a boat的卡片問:what did … do on this/her holiday? 引導學生回答:he/she rowed a boat. 教師板書:rowed a boat,指導學生拼寫。4. 教師出示禮物盒問:what’s this? 引導學生回答:it’s a present.教師板書present,帶讀。教師繼續說:i bought it yesterday.在present前寫bought,領讀。請學生比較動詞原形和它的過去式,教師指導書寫。5. 教師依次出示幾張文具的卡片,提問:what did you buy in the bookstore? 引導學生用i bought …回答。6. 教師出示saw elephants的短語卡片說:…went to a zoo yesterday. what did…see? 引導學生回答:he/she saw elephants. 教師板書saw elephants, 需強調單詞elephants的拼寫和單詞saw的讀音。教師依次出示動物的卡片,提問:what did you see at the zoo?引導學生根據卡片的提示問題回答。7. 教師放let’s learn部分的錄音,學生跟讀。let’s play1. 教師讓學生把九個動詞短語分別填入任一個空格內,每個空格填寫一個短語。2. 教師按任意順序讀短語,學生在教師念到的短語上劃*,如果劃*的短語連成了一條直線,學生就大聲喊bingo!即獲勝。task time1. 教師介紹賀卡的相關知識;賀卡有很多種類,朋友身體不適合可以送安慰卡;朋友心情不暢送幽默卡;失敗送鼓勵卡;成功有慶賀卡;出行的有平安卡。賀卡除了有紙制的,也有電子和卡。為了節約用紙,現在更提倡使用電子賀卡。2. 教師帶領學生一起閱讀本部分賀卡的內容,請學生說一說mike在旅行過程中都做了什麼事情。3. 教師布置一個情景:如果式你出行在外,想向父母和朋友報平安,並簡單介紹旅遊的情況,該如何設計一張賀卡。ⅳ.consolidation and extension1. activity book。
  pep第八冊英語 » unit 4 教案 » 第四課時 來自。

PEP第八冊英語 Unit 1 教案 第四課時 篇2

  一、教學內容:b let’s learn let’s play c story time
  1、能夠聽、說、認讀本課時的主要單詞:heavier thinner longer bigger smaller
  2、能認讀句型:how heavy are you ? 並做出相應的回答:i』m 48kg. i』m thinner than you , and shorter .
  3、let’s play.完成let’s check
  難點是對新句型 how heavy are you ? 並做出相應的回答:i』m 48kg. i』m thinner than you , and shorter
  教師採用開火車的形式複習已學的單詞。將單詞打亂順序貼於黑板上,請學生猜是哪個單詞,猜對的同學做這個動作其他同學齊聲說這個單詞,you are right.
  1、 presentation and practice
  let’s learn
  (1)教師出示大小、重輕分明的圖片,讓學生分辨,問which dog is heavy ?用中文稍做解釋,引導學生回答the yellow one . 然後教師the yellow one is heavier than the brown one .范讀單詞heavier,學生跟讀。
  (3)教師用同樣的方法教學其他四個四會單詞thinner longer bigger smaller
  (1) 完成let’s play.
  2、 consolidation and extension
  (1)做本單元a let’s learn部分的活動手冊配套練習。

PEP第八冊英語 Unit 1 教案 第四課時 篇3

  一、教學內容:part b let’s learn let’s play. part c task time let’s check二、教學目標與要求1、掌握四會詞組:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking.2、學會用句型what did you/ (name) do last weekend/ yesterday? i(name) (did) last weekend/ yesterday. did you….? yes, i did. 來進行問答並完成task time的表格。三、教學重點掌握四會詞組,並用所學詞組和句型進行調查四、教學難點掌握四會詞組,並用所學詞組和句型進行調查五、課前準備1、教師準備本課時所需的五張詞卡及a部分所學單詞。2、教師準備錄音機和的錄音帶。六、教學過程1warm-up1) free-talk: t: what day is today? a: today is… t: what day was yesterday? (強調 yesterday) b: yesterday/ it was… t: what did you do yesterday? c: i (did)…yesterday. ( 用前幾課時已經學的詞組)2) chain-drill:c: i (did)…yesterday. what did you do yesterday?d: i (did)…yesterday. what did you do yesterday?e, f…( ask the teacher)t: i went to a park yesterday.2presentation and practicelet’s learn (1)繼續chain-drill,由t 引出並出示新授詞組:went hiking.(2)學生已經了解了go 的過去式後, t 邊用i went ( 這個動詞用動作表示)yesterday.表達自己昨天去做什麼了,邊做動作.讓學生幫老師說出: went swimming, went fishing.(3)ask and answer: a: t ask and ss answer. b: s1 ask and s2 answer. c: s3 ask and t answer.由此,t 引出新授詞組: read a book.(4)自編chant. chant together.(5)listen to the tape and repeat. pay attention to the pronunciation of: went, read.(6) reading in 2 parts: t say the phrase loudly, ss say it lowly; t say the phrase lowly, ss say it loudly.practice:通過各種遊戲,操練所學詞組activity 1 找搭檔activity 2 我是偵察兵activity 3 記憶大挑戰3task-time1) pair worka: what did you do last weekend? / did you …?b: i (did)…/ yes, i did.2) 在問答過程中完成書中所示的表格.3) 邀請幾組同學到前面彙報調查結果4let’s check1) ask ss to describe each picture with the sentence structures of: i (did) yesterday/ last weekend.2) listen and circle.3) check the answers.1、consolidation and extension(1)完成活動手冊相應內容。(2)課後繼續交流同桌的周末或前天的活動信息.七、板書設計:went to a park—go to a parkwent hiking—go hiking went swimming—go swimmingwent fishing—go fishingread a book--read a book八、教後小結:
  pep第八冊英語 » unit 3 教案 » 第四課時 來自。

PEP第八冊英語 Unit 1 教案 第四課時 篇4

  1.能夠聽說讀寫五個情緒單詞:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored.
  2.能夠聽說讀句型:how does amy feel? she’s tired.並進行關鍵詞的替換操練。
  3.能夠完成task time的任務。
  重點是使學生熟練掌握五個四會單詞,並能替換句型「how does she/he feel? she’s/he tired.進行回答。
  (1)教師放歌曲「the way i feel」,學生跟唱。
  (2)學生朗讀a-let’s read,教師提問:how do you feel if you have the flu/a toothache/a headache等,學生做簡要回答。
  2、presentation and practice
  (1)播放歌曲 ( if you are happy.)用歌曲來引出新授單詞happy的教學。邊唱邊做
  動作。教師做出「開心」的樣子對學生說:you are happy. i am happy, too. look at my
  face. this is a happy face. 然後在黑板上畫「happy face」和「sad face」。教師指著
  sad face問學生:is it a happy face?以此教學單詞sad。教師可讓學生同桌之間一人
  做表情,另一人畫臉,再描述如:he/she is happy/sad.用簡筆畫的形式教授其他單
  詞:excited, tired, angry, bored.
  (2)教師做出各種表情,請學生猜:are you happy/tired/bored…? 然後兩人一組
  (3)教師播放b-let’s learn的錄音,學生跟讀單詞。然後出示教學挂圖,請學生
  仔細看圖片。教師提問:how does amy feel? how does john feel? 此活動也可在小
  活動名稱:read a feeling book
  活動過程:feelings are inside of me and my face shows how i feel. these are the ways i feel sometimes:
  i look like this when i feel happy. when my birthday comes near and when i eat my favourite pizza, i feel very happy.
  i look like this when i fell sad. when i』m sick in bed, and when i can』t play football because of rain, i feel very sad.
  i look like this when i feel proud, when i get a good grade in school, and when i ride the bike without falling, i feel very proud.
  i look like this when i feel scared, when the light goes suddenly, and when i read stories about ghosts, i feel very scared.
  i look like this when i feel angry, when my toy gets broken, and when someone says bad words to me, i feel very angry.
  i feel lots of feelings everyday.
  (4)pair work。教師給學生半分鐘的時間看pair work部分的圖畫,提示學生儘量
  記住圖中的人物及其表情,比一比誰能猜的又快又對。task time,引導學生仔細看
  (5)活動名稱:what is missing?
  活動準備: 單詞卡片
  (6)活動名稱:look for your friends
  活動過程:將全班分成幾大組,把所需操練的單詞angry, sad, bored等拆分成字母,如grany, das, robde分發給組裡成員或班裡的同學。當教師或指定同學讀到這個單詞時,手上持有這個單詞的同學必須在最短的時間內按照字母順序報出該單詞,反應最快的同學為勝。
  3、consolidation and extension
  unit 2 what’s the matter, mike?
  tired angry excited happy sad bored.




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