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英語中的強調句型常用句型:It is/was + who/that;被強調部分如果為主格人稱代詞,who/that後的動詞和主格人稱代詞在人稱和數上保持一致。
1. 如強調句型指現在或未來的情況用It is指過去用It was。
e.g. It is I who/ that am wrong.
分析:被強調部分為人強調詞可用who也可用that. 指現在的情況所以以 It is開頭,被強調部分是 I謂語用 “am
原句: I am wrong.
e.g. It was him who\that I saw the day before yesterday.
原句為 I saw him the day before yesterday.
分析:指過去的情況用It was 開頭,被強調部分為人所以強調詞仍是who\that.
2. 被強調部分往往為句子的主語、賓語、時間狀語、地點狀語等,但有時也可以強調比較複雜的內容。 如時間狀語從句、地點狀語從句、not until 結構、not onlybut also和as well as等結構。
e.g. It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty.
e.g.It is not only he but also his parents who\that have been to Beijing.
3. 被強調部分為人稱代詞時,原句用什麼格強調句也用什麼格。
4. 關於強調詞的選用,強調人時可用who 或that,如果不強調人一律用that。此時絕不能與定語從句混淆,被強調部分為時間狀語、地點狀語、或原因狀語時不可誤用when, where 或why。
e.g. It was in the street that I met him yesterday.
e.g. It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.分析:指過去的情況用It was 開頭,儘管被強調部分是時間狀語,強調詞不能使用when只可用that.
e.g. It was because he was ill that died at once
5. 被強調部分如果為主格人稱代詞,who\that後的動詞和主格人稱代詞在人稱和數上保持一致。
6. 強調句型的一般疑問句結構 Is\Was it who\ that?
e.g. Was it during the Second World War that he died?
分析:以Was it 開頭被強調部分是時間狀語,強調詞用that。
7. 強調句型的特殊疑問句結構
特殊疑問詞+is\was it who\ that?
Where was it that you found your lost pen?
原句:Where did you found your lost pen?
8.強調句型It is \waswho/ that中is\was前面可用much\may\might等表推測的情態動詞修飾。
e.g. It might be in his room that he met her.
注意:如改成特殊疑問句由於may,must表推測的情態動詞只用於肯定句,所以否定句,疑問句might 應改成could.
e.g. Where could it be that he met her?
9. 強調部分為時間狀語和地點狀語時有可能先接定語從句再接強調句型。
e.g. It was on October 1st,1949 when he joined the Party that he was killed.
e.g. It was in the room where he had studied for three years that he hound his lost pen.
10. 判斷強調句型是否正確的方法是將強調部分去掉如去掉強調句型結構後句子仍正確,強調句型就正確。




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