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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on being grateful to our parents by commenting on the remark, 「Love and appreciate your parents. We are often so busy growing up. We forget they are also growing old .」 You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
1. 導語解讀:要求考生對題目中引述的話「愛你的父母,感謝你的父母。我們常常只忙於成長,但我們忘記了他們也同樣在變老」進行評論,就感恩父母這一話題展開論述。
2. 文章立意:父母是最愛我們的人,他們為了孩子可以付出一切。因此我們要感謝父母。不能把忙碌作為藉口而忽視對於父母的關愛和感謝。
1. 第一段簡要就題目中給定的話語做出評論,引出論點:我們應該愛並感謝父母。
2. 第二段論證父母是最愛我們的人:不論是遭遇困難、心情沮喪,還是成功失敗,父母永遠都是在你身邊支持你的人。
3. 第三段闡述我們不應忽略表達對父母的感激,表達對他們的關懷。
「Love and appreciate your parents. We are often so busy growing up. We forget they are also growing old.」 This means that our parents bring us up while we tend to neglect their growing old. 1 It reminds us that we should love and be grateful to our parents. 2
Parents love their children the most. 3 When we are confronted with difficulties, our parents always stand by us; when we feel down, they always cheer us up; when we make mistakes, they never hesitate to forgive us; when we succeed, they are always the first to celebrate and share our happiness; when we are in danger, our parents even risk their lives to save us. Our parents are always there with us when we need them. 4
However, many of us tend to forget expressing our gratitude to our parents. 5 We always give excuses that we are so busy. But remember, we grow up while our parents grow old. In my opinion, the best way to express gratitude to our parents is to show our true love and care to them. When you tell them about your life, they will be very happy and contented. 6
1. 開篇簡要解釋題目引用的話語的含義,引出感恩父母這一話題。
2. 自然過渡,提出論點:應該愛父母,感恩父母。
3. 第二段首句作為主題句,點明該段大意:父母是最愛我們的人。
4. 具體論述父母為孩子所付出的一切,為我們應感恩父母埋下伏筆。
5. 筆鋒一轉,指出我們許多人容易忘記表達我們對父母的感激,引出本段感恩父母的主題。
6. 提出感恩父母的具體方式,結束全文。
be grateful to sb. for sth. 因某事而感激某人
stand by 繼續支持
feel down 感到沮喪;情緒消沉
cheer sb. up 使某人振作起來
risk one’s life 冒生命的危險
gratitude n. 感謝;感激
1. When we are confronted with difficulties, our parents always stand by us; when we feel down, they always cheer us up; when we make mistakes, they never hesitate to forgive us; when we succeed, they are always the first to celebrate and share our happiness; when we are in danger, our parents even risk their lives to save us.
2. In my opinion, the best way to express gratitude to our parents is to show our true love and care to them.




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