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International Women's Day1
Whenever the TV shows a little boy washing his mother's feet, I cry. Because, I rarely do this for my mother, I feel a little sorry for my mother... in Childhood Memories, there are images of my mother washing my feet, Florida mother gently lifted my feet, in the warm water... overworked mother should lie in bed to rest, she even ignores overworked to wash my feet! The more I think about it, the more I think I owe it to mom. So, I decided: for MY MOTHER TO WASH FEET! Today, it's International Women's Day. I specially bought a few carnations, and then went to buy mother's favorite sugar cane and some gifts. When I got home, my mother hadn't come back yet, so I set myself up to feel like I was waiting for her. I poured the warm foot water into a basin and put it in my room. Outside the door came the sound of "Da da Da da" footsteps, how familiar! "Ka Ka Ka" control of the opening sound of my heart, the door opened, the face is coming with a smiling mother. "What are you doing? Why are you standing by the door? " "Er... look there! " I didn't know what to say. I just pointed to the place where the presents were. "Wow! " The mother exclaims, and then exultantly asked: "My daughter, how to buy so many things? " "Today 38 festival! ... Mother you wait! " I led my mother to my room, she smiled and asked, "what are you doing? " I asked my mother to sit down, as she did in memory, as she gently took off her stockings and put her feet in the water. Suddenly, I found: Mother's feet have a lot of calluses... mother overworked... my nose a sour, tears fell down
International Women's Day2
Tomorrow's the International Women's Day Day. What should I get mom? If I can't express my feelings with a gift I've bought, but what can I make for myself? Right, mother usually always hope I do more housework, otherwise, I will send her a big gift! The next morning, I got up early. Before my mother got up, I dressed and ran to the kitchen. I turned over, there are some noodles and some spareribs soup, or I make a spareribs soup noodles for my mother! After I finished the noodles, I quickly ran to my bed, quickly folded the quilt. Then went to the bathroom for her mother received a plate of face water to her mother carried in the past. Woke up mom. When my mother washed his face for dinner, I quickly put myself tidied up, back on the backpack with my mother said a happy holiday to go to school. MOM's not home at noon, so I can get ready for the big present. So, as soon as I finished my lunch, I began to do housework. After my unremitting efforts, I finally clean up the house. Whoops! Got Ta go, or I'M GONNA BE LATE! In the evening, I went home after school, quietly sitting on the SOFA waiting for my mother to come back. After a while, my mother came back and I warmly welcomed her up. Help Mom beat back rub shoulders, and mom together to do a good meal, after eating. I helped my mother to play a basin of foot water, to her mother washed feet. Finally, when it was time to go to bed, I said to my mother affectionately: "Mom, I love you! " My mother also smiled and said to me: "I love you too, baby! " "Good night. " "Good night. " After today, i finally realized how hard mom worked on weekdays. After I will be good filial piety mother, so that mother after not so hard.
International Women's Day3
International Women's Day, is my mother's festival, in order to let my mother relax, I decided to help my mother to buy food. I asked my mother what she needed and wrote down the names in the book. Then my mother gave me 40 yuan. I put the money in both pockets of my coat and set off. Walking to the market, there are so many stalls in the market, I was dazzled. I looked around, carefully selected a stall, asked the vegetable aunt cucumber where Ah, the aunt pointed cucumber smile said: "CUCUMBER THERE! " I chose two cucumbers, aunt asked me what I want to buy, i also chose Eggplant, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and so on, the dishes one by one to the aunt. Aunt put the dishes on the scale, told me 20 yuan, I paid, and aunt gave me a small onion. Then I went to the egg stall. I picked the medium-sized eggs carefully and put them gently in a bag. I bought a total of eight eggs. I paid 7.50 yuan and put the rest of the change in my pocket. Then I went out happily, to get back together with mom. I am carrying a heavy bag of "trophies" , so much food can be really heavy Ah, I feel my hands are almost broken, so it is not easy to buy food! Think of how hard mother usually is! Through this shopping trip, I also learned some knowledge about buying vegetables. You can't just pick vegetables, you have to pick long cucumbers and Eggplant, you have to pick tomatoes of moderate size, and the skin of potatoes should not be pitted, lettuce to the yellow leaves peeled off... shopping is fun and hard, my mother is very happy, I am very happy, I can be proud of their own independent shopping!
International Women's Day4
Yesterday, the weather like a child's face, change, just sunny, a while it began to rain cats and dogs, pedestrians are carrying umbrellas in a hurry to go, the speed of the bus to splash high water. My mother and I waited for a taxi at the Ocean View Hotel, and waited, and waited, and waited, and finally got a blue cab. My mother and I are happy to get on the car, all the way we have to talk and laugh, and master pull up the daily. After talking, we know that the master in Xiamen taxi has been five years, he also bought a house, said Xiamen is his second home, is the most beautiful city. Imperceptibly we arrived at the destination, mother to pay, but the master said: "Do not give. " Mother and I are very puzzled, strange to ask: "Why? "? Master smiled and said: "today is 'March 8' women's Day, in order to make it more convenient for everyone to travel, our channel company today free female customers, you are my first customer today, I wish you a happy holiday! ". My mother said gratefully, "really? Thank you so much! Thank you for your company's charity work for our women. " I interjected "Uncle, you are wonderful, we want to pass on this love, let us all around the heart full of love. " My mother and I reluctantly got out of the CAR. Yes, yesterday is the International Women's Day, "Love Taxi" let my mother and I feel the warmth of the world and love, I sincerely wish all the women in the world a happy holiday!
International Women's Day5
Speaking of International Women's Day, I have the impression that something funny happened that day. When I was in kindergarten, my teacher told us, "today is International Women's Day Day. When you get home, say 'happy women's Day' to your mother! " I wondered what "father and daughter's Day" was, and why would you say it to your mother? "Father and daughter's Day" should be a father and daughter's Day, more to a person that is not a bad thing! I was delighted with my cleverness. Soon after school, we were picked up by my father, I was ready to show her father her daughter's "erudition. ". I put my hands behind my back and clumsily walked up to my father like a big boss and gave him a smirk. Dad was puzzled: What am I doing? I hummed, say, "Happy Women's Day, Dad! "! "I was ready to listen to the praise of the people present, but I did not expect them to start with a strange look, and then laugh and collapse. I don't get it. Then look at Dad, he is so good, directly patted the thigh, the puzzled I picked up, and said: "silly child, 'women's Day' is a lesbian holiday! " What! I was shocked, just "sugar" seems to have become "mustard. Suddenly my cheeks turned red and I had to giggle. Childhood is so beautiful, childhood is so interesting, I was so naive childhood!


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