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  此類作文雖然形式上有別於提綱式作文,但具體的寫作方法上仍然可以借鑑提綱式作文。文章開頭部分應該在充分理 解諺語或名言含義的基礎上,概括出論點,接下來通過舉例或者正反兩方面的說理來論證觀點,最後給出總結。
  ①_______(概述某事物的作用). However, as _____(相關人物)once put it, _____(引用名言). It is well established that______ (給出論點).
  ②Blinded by ______(錯誤觀念), we often take it for granted that ______ (錯誤觀念). However, ______(指出現狀). For instance, ______(舉例說明現狀). What’s more, ______(進一步舉例說明).
  ③As far as I am concerned, ______(得出結論).
  ①The saying ______(引用名言). However, ______(指出論點).
  ②In my opinion, ______(給出自己的觀點). Such examples might be given easily. ______ (舉例論證自己的觀點).
  ③Have you ______(提出疑問)? If not, ______(提出倡議).
  圖表型作文是指根據統計數據表格(table)、坐標曲線圖(line graph)、條形圖(bar chart)、餅形圖(pie chart)或圖片(picture)寫 出的作文。圖表作文的特點是以圖表作為信息來源,要求考生根據圖表上的信息進行對比分析,發現規律,找出所反映的社會現象,並從中看出主要問題和發展趨 勢,再歸納出結論。
  ①What the drawing vividly depicts is that_____(圖畫主題).The picture illustrates that______(圖畫反映的現象).
  ②Those who favor______(觀點1).In contrast,people who hold the opposite opinion maintain that______(觀點2).They think that______(原因).And the cartoon above ______(舉例1).For another example,______(舉例2).
  ③As far as I am concerned,______(表達自己的觀點).I suggest that______(提出解決措施).
  ①As is vividly indicated in the above chart/table/graph, ______(圖表主題). Especially in ______ (關鍵時間), ______ (圖表最大特點).
  ②The reasons for ______ (描述現象) are as follows. Firstly, ______(原因1). Secondly, ______(原因2). Thirdly, ______(原因3).
  ③From the changes reflected in the chart/table/graph, we can predict/see that ______ (得出結論). For one thing, ______(*生的影響1). For another, ______(產生的影響2).
  ①The cartoon above is thought-provoking.______(描述圖畫).Apparently,the cartoon ironically demonstrates a truth that______(揭示寓意).
  ②Just as ______(亮出觀點).First of all,______(論據1).Let’s take______(相關事物)as an example.______(舉例1).In addition,______(論據2).Therefore,______(得出結論).
  ③To sum up,______(總結全文).
  ①From the two charts/According to the charts/According to the figures given in the charts, we can see that ______(圖表數字的變化趨勢).
  ②We can see from the statistics that______ (圖表變化細節1). This means that______ (說明原因). In addition, the figures also tell us that ______(圖表變化細節2). From it we can see that ______ (說明原因).
  ③Judging from the figures, we can predict that______ (得出結論).
  現象解釋型作文明確描述社會生活中存在的一種現象。通常要求考生首先對這一現象作出簡要的說明;進而解釋這種現象存在或發生的幾個方面的原因,有些 題目還會要求考生分析說明這種現象可能會產生的積極或消極影響;最後要求考生表明自己的觀點或看法,或者要求闡述應該如何發揮這一現象的積極作用以及如何 應對這一現象可能造成的消極影響。
  ①Today, it is widely acknowledged that______(相關觀點). Therefore,______(提出現象).However, as for this phenomenon, opinions vary from person to person.
  ②Some______(涉及人群)insist that______(支持觀點). However, many other______(涉及人群)do not agree. They hold that______(反對觀點).
  ③From my perspective, ______(自己的觀點). On the one hand, ______(觀點的一方面), but on the other hand,______(觀點的另一方面). What's more, ______(強化自己的觀點).
  ①Recent decades have seen the rapid development of______(指出現象). As a result, ______(相關事物) have successfully entered our everyday life and are gaining popularity among ordinary people.
  ②It's no wonder that some people hold that______ (提出觀點), because______ (原因綜述). To start with,______ (原因1). What's more, ______(原因2). Last but not least, ______(原因3).
  ③As far as I am concerned, ______(自己的看法). However, with further development of______ (現象相關內容), ______ (未來前景) in the near future.
  ①It is not an uncommon social phenomenon that ______(提出現象). However, opinions vary from person to person concerning this phenomenon.
  ②Some people hold that______ (支持觀點)because______ (指出原因). Consequently, ______(說明結果). But others maintain that______ (反對觀點). They argue that______ (反對理由).
  ③From my point of view,______ (自己的觀點).
  問題解決型作文也是近年來六級考試中常見的作文類型。這類作文在命題中明確提出在現實生活和社會中存在的某個亟待解決的問題,通常要求考生首先對存在的問題 進行介紹,進而針對問題產生的各方面原因及其已經或可能產生的諸多不良後果予以較為詳細的分析和闡述,最後提出解決問題的方法,有些則要求說明應該如何從 自身做起,幫助解決問題。
  ①As is known to all, ______(導入命題). However, it is quite worrying that______ (提出問題).
  ②Therefore, ______(相關各方) should be greatly responsible for______ (問題內容). Firstly, ______(解決方法1). Secondly,______ (解決方法2). Thirdly,______ (解決方法3).
  ③But______ (相關方面) alone cannot ensure the final success in______ (問題內容). ______(問題相關方)should also take an active part in______ (怎麼做1). They/We should ______(怎麼做2).
  ①It is widely acknowledged taht _______(某事物的重要性1).Besides,______(重要性2).
  ②However,_______(事物出現的問題).Some people prefer to______(問題表現或原因1). Others tend to_______(問題表現或原因2).
  ③As the salt of the earth, college students should be fully aware of ______(相關事物). Therefore, we should______(自身怎麼做1).We should also______(自身怎麼做2).
  ①In recent years, ______(消極現象) has been prevailing ______(盛行範圍).
  ②There are three main factors that can account for this phenomenon. First and foremost, ______(原因1). Moreover, ______(原因2). Last but not least, ______(原因3). As a result,______ (結果).
  ③In my view, effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. First, ______(解決方法1). Second, ______(解決方法2). Third, ______(解決方法3).
  ①It is widely believed that______(指出現象).What’s more,______(進一步闡述該現象).Many people strongly advocate it owing to______(支持原因).However,_______(相關因素),people’s ideas vary.
  ②On the one hand,some people hold that ______(第一種觀點及原因).On the other hand,a great many people insist that_______(第二種觀點及原因).
  ③As far as I am concerned, however,______(自己的態度及理由).Therefore,it is time that_____(得出結論).
  ①A great many people______(提出觀點).First and foremost,some people incline to______(贊成原因1).What’s more,they maintain that______(贊成原因2)
  ②On the contrary, the vast majority of people assume that_______(提出相反的觀點).
  ③In my opinion,______(提出自己的觀點).For one thing,______(理由1).For another,______(理由2).
  ①With the development of society,people attach more importance to ______(提出現象).They regard it as______(進一步闡述該現象).
  ②Should we______(提出觀點)?______(相關答案).To begin with,______(理由1).What’s more,_______(理由2).
  ③For my part,______(表明自己的態度).Most importantly,_______(進行進一步闡述).
  ①Recently, we often hear complaints about______(提出現象).We can see that______(進一步闡述該現象).
  ②The following factors need to be taken into consideration.First and foremost,______(原因1).What’s more,_______(原因2).As a result,_______(結果).
  ③From my point of view,_______(自己的態度).In the frist place,______(理由1).Furthermore,_______(理由2).Hence,______(結論).
  ①_______is always regarded as(提出觀點). However,_______(指出特殊情況).
  ②For one thing._______(原因/看法1). For another._______(原因/看法2).
  ③On the whole, it is important to keep in mind that_______(自己的態度).
  ①Thereare many factors that_______(與論點相關的內容〉.But of_______(所有因素),
  I believe_______(個人論點〉to be the most important one for the following reasons.
  ②The first reason is that_______(原因1). Another reason is that_______(原因2). Finally._______(原因3).
  ③Inshort. I believe _______(重申自己的觀點).Thus we should_______(提出建議).
  ―般來說,英文書信的`結構通常包括六個組成部分:信頭(heading,包括寄信人地址和日期)、信內地址(inside address,指收信人地址)、稱呼(salutation)、正文(body)、結束語(complimentary close)、簽名(signature),有時候還包括附言(postscript〉和附件(attachment),一般考試中只要求包括稱呼、正文、結束語和簽名四個部分,寫作應用書信型作文時內容要直截了當,中心突出,層次分明,格式正確,語言得體。
  ②Iwant to express my_______(感謝、歉意等)for_______(相關事件).Thank you for/I will be very grateful if_______(表示感謝).
  ③_______(相關陳述). However, the situation does not allow me to do this./ However. I am afraid I cannot accept your kind offer. _______(闡述原因).
  ④I sincerely hope that_______(表達真誠的願望).
  ⑤Yours sincerely,
  ②_______ (客套話),but I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with/I venture to write you a letter about/I am afraid I』m not content with_______(簡要概括投訴內容).
  ③Firstly,_______(問題1). Secondly. _______(問題2). Finally. _______(問題3). /_______(問題1). What is worse._______ (問題2).
  ④I/We do hope that_______(提出意願或建議).
  ⑤Yours sincerely,
  ②I am_______(簡要介紹自己的身份)and hope_______(提出希望). I will be grateful if you would be kind enough to_______(對方的相關行為).
  ③First,_______(諮詢問題1). Second._______(諮詢問題2).Third,_______(諮詢問題3).
  ④I wish_______(再次重申希望)./ I would greatly appreciate it if_______(向收信人可能提供的幫助表示感謝).
  ⑤Yours respectfully,

大學英語六級作文 篇2

  Turn off Your Mobile Phone
  With the development of information techno1ogy and reduced price of communication products, the mobi1e phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to it, it’s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere. We will never miss any important meetings,great deals or admirable opportunities。
  But,have you noticed sometimes the mobile phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting 1oud1y in public as if there were no one else present. And I』m sure each one has had such an experience that the mobi1e phone ring continuous1y on a formal occasion. Perhaps these People have many 1ife-and-death reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don』t care when they want to concentrate on what they』re doing.
  So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.
  Traveling by Train or by Plane
  When we go on a business trip, we will be faced with the choice of traveling by train or by plane. Before making the right choice,we had better make a close comparison and contrast of them.
  First of all, a train will take us to our target railway station. Also, a plane will take us to the target airport, Second, in a train we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside. Likewise, in a plane we can command a good view of fields, buildings, mountains and even plains of clouds. Despite these similarities, they differ in the following aspects. First, a train ticket is cheap. Most of us can afford it. However, a plane ticket is about twice as expensive as a train ticket. Most of us grudge paying for it. Besides, it is safer to travel by train. If the train gets into some trouble, we may survive by jumping out of it. On the contrary, if we travel by plane, we have to ask God to bless us. However, it takes us longer time to travel by train than by plane.
  Therefore, it depends which transportation tool we should choose. If we just want to save money,we will travel by train; but if we want to save time, we will turn to the plane.

大學英語六級作文 篇3

  Cyber Crimes
  With the popularization of Internet, cyber crimes have become a serious problem facing us. Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere on the Internet. To illustrate, some commit fraud or lift intellectual property, others snatch passwords or disrupt e-commerce, and still others unleash viruses to crash computers. As a result, these crimes destroy network security greatly and make computer users suffer great losses.
  However, we shouldn』t tolerate these cyber criminals any more. It’s high time for us to take effective measures to fight against cyber crimes. First, we should reinforce the cyber laws to punish cyber criminals strictly. Moreover, we should develop high techniques as soon as possible to improve intrusion detection and prevent cyber crimes. Besides, more talented people should be trained and more effective firewalls should be built up so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses.
  As college students, we have responsibility to join the battle against cyber crimes. For one thing, we should not use others』 computers unless we get permission. For another, we should be honest to others on the Internet and not release or spread unreal information. In a word, it takes our common efforts to defeat cyber crimes.

大學英語六級作文 篇4

  Adversity is like a cell in the air, and it happens on almost everyone. Therefore, it is inevitable to keep it far away from us. There are numerous kinds of adversity, such as the difficulties we meet, the diseases we catch and so on.
  According to a survey, different people hold various opinions on adversity. Thirty percent of people feel upset and have no confidence to conquer it, so they sometimes fail in the difficulties. However, forty percent of people take the positive attitude toward adversity. They always take some actions to solve each problem that surrounds them. Finally, they feel satisfied and uplifting when they succeed. Thirty percent of people may seek help from others, and get rid of the predicament in the end.
  As far as I am concerned, first and the most, we must face the adversity with courage, in that it can bring us energy and strength. In addition, we should try our best to deal with adversity. It is as the famous saying goes, No pains, no gains. Last but not least, if we try but have no way, we should invite others to help us and surmount the problems together.

大學英語六級作文 篇5

  There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic whether students should attend military training in China in the past years. Opinions on this issue differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that the training can not only build up students』 bodies but also temper their willpower. Besides, through the training, students can develop their team-spirit and sense of discipline.
  Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. Instead, we should lay emphasis on their daily exercise and activities for such purpose. What’s more, a sudden increase of intense physical exercise, especially during summer, does harm to students』 health and may even cause deaths. What happened in the past years has proved this.
  Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view. Military training is not only a means to strengthen student’s physique and willpower, but also an effective way to enhance their sense of national defense and foster their patriotism. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Besides, the deaths are perfect evidence that students need more such training. Of course, measures should be taken to ensure that the least harm is done to the trainees.

大學英語六級作文 篇6

  A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag
  In recent years, to control the white pollution,our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to governments appeal, the Environment Protection AssociationjofjourjdepartmentjwilljinvitejyoujtojtakejpartJin_ourjactivityof cloth bag design.
  You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designsjarejexpectedjbeforejJune,j1st. If your designs are chosen by our association , you will have a bonus of ¥ 200.
  If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on the number 12345678 or e-mail us by clothbagdesign @163.com.
  Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to your terrific design.




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