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  母題:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312)
提示:本題圍繞教育的兩大功能來展開(個人與社會),準備好這篇文章,即可應付教育類話題中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不變應萬變。對於社會角度,可以從促進經濟發展、增加社會流動性(social mobility)、維護社會穩定這幾個方面來展開,對於個人,可以寫改變思維模式、有利於就業和便利生活來寫。
Technological Advances
Urban Life
Social Stability
Culture& Arts
Environmental Protection
Many people believe that media coverage of celebrities is having a negative effect on children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.
1. 確定話題范為: 媒體的影響+未成年的保護
2. 確定討論對象、明確寫作任務:
whether the media coverage of celebrities has negative influence to/on children?
3. 結合具象思維進行構思
It is easy to notice that thereis an increasing amount of media coverage of celebrities. Some people are worried that it might have negative/undesirable impacts on children. Generally, I have the same concern. 6+版本
In the past, news about famous people wasmostly confined/limited/restricted to gossip columns in newspapers, but並列句 these days it is not uncommon for celebrities to be presented as front page news. There is evidence that the public feel there is too much news coverage of celebrities. Not surprisingly, there is a concern about how this might be affecting people, and in particular children.7+版本
One of the possible negative influence of celebrities is the fact that children who crave attention might imitate their misbehavior. Today,celebrity scandals are just as likely to receive publicity as celebrity achievements. Many famous people have received more attention for their misuse of drugs and alcohol than for their successes on the stage or in sports. In this case, children might confuse proper behavior with notoriety.
Too much exposure to the coverage of celebrities might lead a distorted view of the world to children. The superficial excitement of celebrity gossip may be at the expense ofnews about serious events and issues that have a more profound effect onpeople’s lives.
The negative influence of celebrities on children can also be seen in children’s career aspirations. These days, young people are much more likely to see themselves as potential sports stars or entertainers. The prevalence of these figures in the mass media mayconvey the impression that such positions are plentiful. Children may be developing unrealistic expectations that they too will become rich and famous.
In summary, the cult of celebrity may be affecting children in anumber of undesirable ways. It is important that children be taught to critically evaluate what they see in the media so thatthey can form a more realistic view of acceptable behavior, society and indeed themselves.




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